10 Tuesday AM Reads

My Taco Two-for-Tuesday morning train reads:

• Coronavirus Forces World’s Largest Work-From-Home Experiment (Bloomberg) see also Coronavirus: WHO enlists internet giants in war on rumours as mainland China death toll hits 361 (South China Morning Post)
• Why Iowa? It gets to go first. We can only watch. And wonder what it means for the rest of us. (Washington Post)
• Zero Hedge Permanently Suspended From Twitter for ‘Harassment’ (Bloomberg) see also Unmasking the Men Behind Zero Hedge, Wall Street’s Renegade Blog (Bloomberg)
• Millennials Aren’t Spending All Their Money on Avocado Toast, Actually (New York Times)
• iPad: Now What? (Monday Note) see also The 10th Anniversary of the iPad: A Perspective from the Windows Team (Learning By Shipping)
• YouTube is a $15 billion-a-year business, Google reveals for the first time (Verge)
• Democrats are fed up with Facebook: Facebook seems to be bending over backward to keep the GOP happy, and Dems are speaking up about it. (Vox) but see YouTube: No ‘deepfakes’ or ‘birther’ videos in 2020 election (AP)
• The Senate Can Stop Pretending Now (New Yorker)
• One team think its got the game in the bag. And the other team has Patrick Mahomes. (ESPN) see also Chiefs’ Derrick Nnadi celebrates his Super Bowl win by paying the adoption fees for all the dogs in one shelter (CNN)
• What Makes a Car Good in the Snow? (Outside)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Chris Davis, Chairman and CEO of Davis Selected Advisors, which has over $25 billion under management. Davis is also on the board of directors of Coca Cola, and is Vice Chairman of the American Museum of Natural History.


In Baby Yoda, Hollywood Sees Its Past, Present and Meme-able Future

Source: Hollywood Reporter






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