10 Wednesday AM Reads

My no patience for April Fool’s Day and the rent is due morning train WFH reads:

Wolf: The tragedy of two failing superpowers (Financial Times)
• Was That the Bottom? (Of Dollars And Data)
• Airlines Had Huge Buyback Programs, but the Debate Is Bigger Than That (Institutional Investor)
• How the UK’s just-in-time delivery model crumbled under coronavirus (Wired)
• Zoom’s sudden spike in popularity is revealing its privacy (and porn) problems (Vox) see also Zoom iOS App Sends Data to Facebook Even if You Don’t Have a Facebook Account (Vice)
• China’s Divorce Spike Is a Warning to Rest of Locked-Down World (Businessweek)
• Mailing it in (Popular Information)
• Food Safety and Coronavirus: A Comprehensive Guide (Serious Eats)
• The #FilmYourHospital hashtag has taken off on the right. It’s absurd. It’s also wildly offensive. (Daily Beast) see also The Social-Distancing Culture War Has Begun (The Atlantic)
• Home Cooks Are Grabbing Discount Wagyu, Uni, and Caviar (Bloomberg)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Ben Cohen, who is the Wall Street Journal’s NBA reporter. His new book is The Hot Hand: The Mystery and Science of Streaks was just released.


The COVID-19 Corporate Response Tracker

Source: Just Capital


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