Quarantine Activities

Source: Visual Capitalist



Visual Capitalist:

Global Web Index found that over 80% of consumers in the U.S. and UK say they consume more content since the outbreak, with broadcast TV and online videos (YouTube, TikTok) being the primary mediums across all generations and genders.

Unsurprisingly, 68% of consumers are seeking out pandemic updates online over any other activity. Gen Zers however, have other plans, as they are the only generation more likely to be listening to music than searching for news.

Overall, younger generations are more likely to entertain themselves by playing games on their mobile or computer. Millennials also stand out as the foodie generation, as they are the most likely to be searching for cooking recipes or reading up on healthy eating.

Funny, I don’t see Zoom drinking or Google Hangout Happy Hour on the list . . .


How COVID-19 Has Impacted Media Consumption, by Generation

Source: Visual Capitalist

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