John Oliver on the USPS

As the U.S. Postal Service faces financial catastrophe, John Oliver discusses why the service is so important, what brought it to this point, and what we can do to help.

USPS: Last Week Tonight with John Oliver (HBO)


Note: President Trump’s ongoing laments about USPS/Amazon are thinly disguised complaints about the Washington Post. He revealed this in several of his tweets:

-Called the paper the “Amazon Washington Post” – WaPo is owned by Jeff Bezos, not Amazon.

-Falsely claiming Amazon does not collect state sales tax. That issue was resolved last year, and Amazon collects state sales tax.

-Falsely claiming Amazon does not pay Federal Tax: It does, but very little. Why? Because for  20 years, it has hardly ever been profitable. Companies pay taxes on profits, not gross revenue.

Regardless, Oliver references what we wrote 2 years ago: Congress is the one who crushed USPS, not Amazon.


Don’t Like USPS Losses? Blame Congress (April 4, 2020)


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