10 Friday AM Reads

Why venture capital doesn’t build the things we really need. https://www.technologyreview.com/2020/06/17/1003318/why-venture-capital-doesnt-build-the-things-we-really-need/

My end of week “How to” morning train WFH reads:

• Moneyball for Bonds Aims to Rank Traders Baseball Card-Style (Bloomberg)
• The Story of Robinhood (Bone Fide Wealth)
• Hamilton Is Hot in Europe (The Debt Policy, Not the Musical) (Wall Street Journal

• Wall Street’s road warriors have spent the past three months grounded. How’s that working out? (Marketwatch)
• Chris Wallace, Insider and Outlier at Fox News (New York Times)
• Eddie the Repo Man Has Time on His Hands: What Happens When Your Debt Is Suspended (Wall Street Journal)

How to Persuade People to Change Their Behavior (Harvard Business Review)
• Not all slopes are slippery: How to decide which statues can remain and which need to go (Times Literary Supplement)

• Coronavirus has come to Trump country (Washington Post)
• 30 Animals That Look Like They’re About To Drop The Hottest Albums Of The Year (Bored Panda)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Jeremy Siegel of Wharton School of Business, Wisdom Tree, and author of Stocks for the Long Run, discussing valuations and asset management under lockdown.


Cumulative Unemployment Insurance Claims Among Select Groups

Source: UCLA Anderson Review


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