10 Tuesday AM Reads

My Two-for-Tuesday morning train WFH reads:

• We Wasted Our Chance for a Quick Economic Recovery (Slate) see also Despite widespread economic toll, most Americans still favor controlling outbreak over restarting economy, Post-ABC poll finds (Washington Post)
• How Warren Buffett is fighting to ‘keep the wolves away’ from Berkshire Hathaway — and winning (Marketwatch)
• Record Ratings and Record Chaos on Cable News (New York Times) see also NFL’s Roger Goodell accused of hypocrisy in protest response (NBC News)
• ‘Superspreaders’ Could Actually Make Covid-19 Easier to Control (Bloomberg)
• How to reform American police, according to experts (Vox) see also Police Are Killing Fewer People In Big Cities, But More In Suburban And Rural America (FiveThirtyEight)
• Forget Swooshes and V’s. The Economy’s Future Is a Question Mark. (New York Times)
• Troll farms from Macedonia and the Philippines pushed coronavirus disinformation on Facebook (NBC News) see also Facebook Employees Stage Virtual Walkout to Protest Trump Posts (New York Times)
• Kylie Jenner is not a billionaire, and Forbes says she used ‘likely forged’ tax returns to make it look like she was: ‘It’s clear that Kylie’s camp has been lying’ (Business Insider)
• U.S. police have attacked journalists at least 100 times in the past four days (Nieman Lab) see also De-escalation Keeps Protesters And Police Safer. Departments Respond With Force Anyway. (Fivethirtyeight)
• Photos: The Works of Christo (The Atlantic)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with David Rosenberg of Rosenberg Research. Rosie is best known for his calls as Chief Economist of Merrill Lynch in the 2000s.


New economic data confirms swing states are getting hammered

Source: Washington Post



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