10 Labor Day Reads

My back to work morning train WFH reads:

Central bankers need to overhaul outdated thinking on labor markets: More than 80% of the world’s central banks have no employment goal (Nikkei Asian Review)
8 Personal Finance Lessons from Benjamin Franklin: His great success came from living the virtues of frugality and industry, and his life offers us many personal finance lessons that apply to modern men just as much as they did to those living in colonial America (Art of Manliness)
The Event Industry Is Being Confronted By Its Napster Moment: All types of business events are in danger of their revenue streams of tickets, sponsorships, memberships, and other types of fees being eroded. This is happening as the world gets used to digital formats and alternatives emerge to physical networking, matchmaking, and other tasks we get out of these events. The threat sounds familiar? (Skift)
•  The New Political Center: Legalize Weed, Restrict Gun Sales, Taxes Are Just Right: In politics, the middle is a moving target: What was a controversial opinion in 1990 could be the prevailing belief today. Politicians recalibrate their messaging—and, often, their positions—as sentiment shifts. Here’s a look at how U.S. public opinion on eight major issues has changed or held steady over the past several presidential election cycles. (Businessweek)
Alternative Investment Industry finds alternatives unfairly treated by studies showing endowments lost to 60/40 (LOL)  (Institutional Investor) but see also Are Alternatives Bad for Endowments? “The more you have, the worse you do,” according to EnnisKnupp co-founder Richard Ennis. (Institutional Investor)
SoftBank unmasked as ‘Nasdaq whale’ that stoked tech rally: SoftBank is the “Nasdaq whale” that has bought billions of dollars’ worth of US equity derivatives in a series of trades that stoked the fevered rally in big tech stocks before a sharp pullback on Thursday and Friday, according to people familiar with the matter. (Financial Times)
How Practical Wisdom Helps Us Cope with Radical Uncertainty: Psychological distress in the face of uncertainty is no accident—it’s human nature. (Behavioral Scientist)
Writing is the best way to discover what you think: I haven’t been writing enough lately and it’s no coincidence my thinking is scattershot. (The Basis Point)
The pandemic is ruining our sleep. Experts say ‘coronasomnia’ could imperil public health. As if the novel coronavirus has not already wrought devastation aplenty on the world, physicians and researchers are seeing signs it is doing deep damage to people’s sleep. Chronic insomniacs grappling with declines in productivity, shorter fuses and increased risks of hypertension, depression and other health problems. (Washington Post)
To Many Travelers, 2020 Was the Summer of 1965: Driving over flying. Domestic destinations. Though the conditions and causes were different, certain midcentury travel preferences experienced a revival this year. (New York Times)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Morgan Housel, former writer for Motley Fool and WSJ, and partner at Collaborative Funds. His new book, The Psychology of Money: Timeless lessons on wealth, greed, and happiness, will be out September 8th.



Pandemic Beneficiaries

Source: TLR Analytics


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