Happy Merry! Closed for the Holidays



Has it really been 20 months already? I wrote Sorry, We’re Closed in March of 2020 and here we are again, with our office now closed because of Omicron.

My partner Josh explains why: With Peace and Love…

New York City is now running 7.45% positive — that’s the 28-day average! — and that might not be the actual infection rate, its still a huge surge. We thought it best to wait this out from a safe distance.

You should too.

I was planning on heading south for some sun & fun, to the state with the third-highest rate of per capita Covid infections, but that seemed like a bad idea. Given how warm the state is this time of year, and filled with outdoor activities, it should be a much safer state than those of us stuck inside up north. I am curious how much the laissez faire approach to a pandemic has cost Florida in terms of tourist dollars. Like so many others, we canceled our holiday trip in part due to the Omicron surge but also because the state has become such a hot zone.

We feel relatively safe, vaxxed + boosted, but we have lots of new babies in the family who are too young to be vaccinated; Mom just turned 86; other family members also have risk factors. We are doing our best to not put vulnerable loved ones at greater risk.

We will not be in the office anytime soon but we will keep doing our best to inform you what is going on in the markets via our blog posts and podcasts, the Compound & Friends, and the GoldMine.

Please stay safe, get yourself and your family vaccinated and boosted.

Enjoy the long holiday weekend!



Seen also: 
with Peace and Love…  (Reformed Broker, December 23, 2021)

Thinking About Life (Irrelevant Investor, December 23, 2021)

And Just Like That (Belle Curve, December 23, 2021)


Sorry, We’re Closed (March 13, 2020)

The Halfway Point (November 20, 2020)

Back in the Saddle (May 4, 2021)


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