10 Thursday AM Reads

My morning train WFH reads:

How the Fed ended the last great American inflation — and how much it hurt: Forty years ago, the Fed pushed the economy into a recession to stop inflation. Here’s how it played out. (Vox)

US Crosses the Electric-Car Tipping Point for Mass Adoption Once 5% of new-car sales go fully electric, everything changes — according to a Bloomberg analysis of the 19 countries that have made the EV pivot. (Green) see also Where Have People Gone All-Electric? Not the Places You’d Expect Homes free of fossil fuels are most common in Southern red states; natural gas dependence is greatest in big blue states. (Bloomberg)

Sell Slowly: If you compare withdrawal strategies over various time periods, you will see that Quarterly Withdrawals beat Beginning of Year Withdrawals anywhere from 62% to 100% of the time. (Of Dollars And Data)

Here’s why block trading matters Trust-based systems might not endure the attentions of block-busting regulators. (Financial Times)

Commodities Never Belonged in Your Portfolio Grasping at straws in a challenging economy, many investors and strategists turned to oil, metals and grain. Now that’s blowing up in their faces. (Bloomberg)

The Way We Work Has Changed. So Should Offices: The office of the future has the capacity to accelerate change and to support a totally new kind of work and workforce. (Citylab)

The DOJ’s Short-Seller Probe Was the Star of a Debate Between Carson Block and a Former SEC Commissioner Meanwhile, the top prosecutor in the investigation has resigned from the Department of Justice.  (Institutional Investor)

Whose breath are you breathing? How much of the air you’re breathing is air someone else exhaled? And in the midst of a pandemic caused by an airborne virus, where are the riskiest places to be? In the first in a series of five stories Farah Hancock reports on hot spots of hazardous air. (RNZ)

A Russian journalist asked his former classmates about the Ukraine war. The answers were disturbing. Stanislav Kucher was a journalist and TV host in Russia before immigrating to the U.S. The war in Ukraine has him fighting with his old friends back home. (Grid) see also The Fight Over Truth Also Has a Red State, Blue State Divide Several states run by Democrats are pushing for stiffer rules on the spread of false information, while Republican-run states are pushing for fewer rules. (New York Times)

Want Fewer Abortions? Legalize Them. The countries with the lowest abortion rates have one thing in common: access to safe, affordable abortion. (Reasons To Be Cheerful)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business next week with Antti Ilmanen, AQR Capital’s co-head of Portfolio Solutions Group. Ilmanen market theories and research are highly regarded, and he has won multiple awards, including the Graham and Dodd award, the Harry M. Markowitz special distinction award, multiple Bernstein Fabozzi/Jacobs Levy awards, and the CFA Institute’s Leadership in Global Investment Award. His most recent book is “Investing Amid Low Expected Returns.”


Five charts explaining why inflation is at a 40-year high

Source: Washington Post


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