MIB: Al Guido, San Francisco Forty-Niners

This week, we speak with Al Guido, president of the San Francisco Forty-Niners, where he oversees all key business initiatives for the team. He also serves as the CEO and co-managing partner of Elevate Sports Ventures, which – launched in 2018 – works to bring comprehensive business & technology solutions to the sports and entertainment industry.

He tells a delightful story of how accidentally getting CC copied on an email to the Dallas Cowboys Jerry Jones changed his entire career.

Prior to being named President of the 49ers, Guido served as the team’s chief operating officer from 2014 to 2016. Under his direction, the team constructed Levi Stadium, which finishing on time and under budget, with lower public debt than expected. Elevate Sports Ventures brings this expertise to other teams and organizations.

The San Francisco Forty-Niners and Guido are uniquely situated at the nexus of sports and technology, and the work they have done applied technology to the live sports experience.

His favorite books are here; Transcript will be forthcoming later this week.

You can stream/download the full conversation, including the podcast extras on iTunesBloombergOvercast, and Stitcher. Our earlier podcasts can all be found at iTunesStitcherOvercast, and Bloomberg.

Next week, we speak Dave Nadig, managing director of CBOE’s ETF.com.



Al Guido’s Favorite Books


Start with Why: How Great Leaders Inspire Everyone to Take Action by Simon Sinek

Leaders Eat Last: Why Some Teams Pull Together and Others Don’t by Simon Sinek

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