Music and the Internet


First Monday has a Special issue out on Music and the Internet (Volume 10, Number 7 — 4 July 2005). Most of the articles have been published previously, but this is the first time all of these articles have been gathered in one place before.

I plan on printing a few out and reading them — maybe I’ll highlight my favorites . . .

Here’s the overview:

"The relationship between music and the Internet is a site of perceived possibility and volatility. Stories of music theft, illegal downloads, unresolved court cases, and anti-piracy technologies, are now prominent. Conversely, stories about the creation of real-time music composition, music’s increasing accessibility, the regeneration of music collecting, and the development of virtual music communities have also become prominent. This special issue brings together a fascinating suite of papers that originally appeared in First Monday on music’s evolving relationship with the Internet."

Introduction: Collecting the fragments of transformation
by David Beer

Tracking technological transformations

The Big Bumpy Shift: Digital Music via Mobile Internet
by Daniel P. Dolan (originally published in December 2000)

Technological and Social Drivers of Change in the Online Music Industry
by Mark Fox (originally published in February 2002)

Distribution, copyright and democracy

Giving Away Music to Make Money
by Michael Pfahl (originally published in August 2001)

Music in the Age of Free Distribution: MP3 and Society
by Kostas Kasaras (originally published in January 2002)

Rip, Mix, Burn: The Politics of Peer to Peer and Copyright Law
by Kathy Bowrey and Matthew Rimmer (originally published in August 2002)

Gifting technologies
by Kevin McGee and Jörgen Skågeby (originally published in December 2004)

Culture, community and consumption

The Napster Network Community
by Kacper Poblocki (originally published in November 2001)

Digital music and subculture: Sharing Files, Sharing styles
by Sean Ebare (originally published in February 2004)

Grey Tuesday, online cultural activism and the mash-up of music and politics
By Sam Howard-Spink (originally published in October 2004)


How Will the Music Industry Weather the Globalization Storm?
by Wilfred Dolfsma (originally published in May 2000)

Artists’ earnings and copyright: A review of British and German music industry data in the context of
By Martin Kretschmer (originally published in January 2005)

Reflecting on the digit(al)isation of music
by David Beer (originally published in February 2005)

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  1. Mp3 Player Guide commented on Jul 17

    Find Your Music on the Internet

    (ARA) – Whether you’re looking for music hits or movie moments, sports clips or news reports, more and more people…

  2. Karl Jonsson’s Weblog commented on Jul 19

    First Monday on Music and the Internet

    I really should have noticed this earlier but it was only today that I saw, on a blog, that this month’s First Monday (Volume 10, Number 7) is a special issue about music and the internet. Most of the articles have been published previously, how…

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