Dow Components Performance Since 1987

What Dow stocks have performed the best since the 1987 crash?

I don’t know about you, but I found this list, courtesy of the WSJ, quite surprising: 


click here for ginormous graphic: Dow Component Performance_crash_1987.gif

Exorcising Ghosts of Octobers Past
Despite Housing Slump, Crashes Such as in 1987 Likely to Stay Memories
WSJ, October 15, 2007; Page C1

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  1. michael schumacher commented on Oct 19

    Ok….it’s official: Earnings suck..

    With an exception or two amongst the bunch

    What will the perma-bulls offer up now??


  2. Costa commented on Oct 19

    Not a big Repo today either, if I am reading it right only 3.2 billion

  3. michael schumacher commented on Oct 19

    YEs….cut the amount in half from what they have been doing so that it still remains vastly over-subscribed.

    Total bullshit……You do not DECREASE the amount offered when it is continuously over-subbed by more than 15X

    But I guess you do that when you want to appear to be having problems with cash when the only real problem is protecting the spreads that lead to profit margins.

    They offered $3.25 b
    Submitted bids: $56.3b

    Such a scam….


  4. michael schumacher commented on Oct 19

    Those pre-market Goog buyers are getting antsy about now……got all the way up to 663.xx


  5. Mr. Beach commented on Oct 19

    All right, the Dow has dropped 200 points. I thought this wasn’t allowed anymore. If tradition holds, we’ll see a steady crawl back up, shouldn’t we?

  6. Christopher Laudani commented on Oct 19


    Just goes to show you that slow and steady wins the race. Who would have ever thought P&G would have performed so well.

    Investors would do well to remember this chart.

  7. Costa commented on Oct 19

    so is that fed cut is pretty much a lock now?

    where can i find information on fed fund futures

  8. stormrunner commented on Oct 19

    We’ve begun a rate cutting cycle, no public support at all time highs where consumables inflation specifically fuel and food have the masses in a tizzy, the only way to garner support is to con-vince j6p that his 401k is in jeopardy. The indexes must drop, and it would appear they are. The hard question is what happens after the next cut??

    Just one idea in a sea of possible explanations for an appearantly engineered event.

  9. New Yorker commented on Oct 19

    The jiggering of the DOW has always bothered me- and the lame excuse of ‘we are not a manufacturing economy anymore but a sevice one’ doesn’t help.
    What are we to make of an index that includes WalMart, Home Depot, and McDonalds’s?

  10. Das Gherkin commented on Oct 19

    See this is why Bloomberg is better.

    They just had Prechter on…and, extremist as he might be to some, they had a really great civil discussion about things. Mark Haines would have probably called him a communist a la Peter Schiff.

  11. Das Gherkin commented on Oct 19

    I heard the rate cut on 10/31 was a lock to get banks on board for the THOOPERFUND.

  12. Mike commented on Oct 19

    Prechter might be civil. I would be too if I were him. Why else should someone listen to him? He’s been predicting a monumental crash for 20 years. His newsletter is a joke (though a perfect contrarian tool). It’s one thing the predict a crash–it’s another to stick to the prediction after the Dow has gone up 800%.

    Did you know he’s been calling for DEflation for years, and that he said if gold reached $400 he’d have to rethink it? Guess he forgot to rethink it.

    A major crash and deflation will eventually occur. Every time the markets correct, no matter how slight, Prechter and his ilk start chanting “This is the BIG ONE DOWN!” It’s been going on for years. The guy is a perfect charlatan. He’s convinced himself of his own con. If you had followed the guy’s investing advice, you’d be sitting on a very small pile of depreciating dollars underneath your mattress.

  13. Das Gherkin commented on Oct 19


    I think listening to what someone has to say and investing according to their newsletter are two different things. And the civility I mentioned had more to do with the interviewer than the interviewee.

    I aware of opinions like yours regarding Prechter, and though not a Prechter-ite, I have to wonder who has convinced themselves the most.

    Someone who protects against losses and thinks the dollar should have real value, or someone who thinks a market built on credit and inflation bloat is really up 800%.

    But I’m sure you always sell at the top and play the short side all the way down.

  14. Mike commented on Oct 19


    Just pointing out facts. Like the personal cheap shots! Very classy!

  15. Das Gherkin commented on Oct 19

    The guy is a perfect charlatan.

    Cheap shots? You started. He wasn’t here to defend himself.

    My apologies, I was trying to be snarky, not cheap.

  16. Mike commented on Oct 19

    Das, that’s just the point. Prechter does not defend his positions–he just adheres to them. Both before and throughout the largest, longest bull run in history, Prechter was calling for economic collapse and a stock market crash. His entire reputation as a trader rests on ONE trade. Way, way, way back he entered a trading contest and won. He took a long shot and it hit. It had nothing to do with his trading better than the competition over an extended period. He’s been touting that achievement ever since. And ever since, given that he’s been calling for a crash, you could’ve invested in pretty much anything and soundly beaten him.

    While the dollar is certainly weak, it’s not all that much weaker (about 10%) that it was in the mid 90s. Furthermore, I wonder why the entire bond market is acting so silly. Don’t they know there is rampant inflation that will only beget greater inflation?

  17. Tom B commented on Oct 19

    The Dow is an anachronism; makes about as much sense as Zoot suits. The stocks in it aren’t even super-representative of the broader market. I was half-amused when they added MSFT at a point in that company’s history when they’d already “jumped the shark”. Moreover, the turnover– companies breaking up or going under makes it even more meaningless.

  18. Das Gherkin commented on Oct 19

    I appreciate your elaboration and, once again, apologize for my snideness. Despite my earlier post, I am not really a staunch defender of his as I have read about, and agree with, many of the points you raise.

    That being said, investing is a set of beliefs no matter which side of the trade you are on. I think Prechter has been defeated by the same team (Greenspan as coach) that keeps David Tice/Doug Noland, John Mauldin, Ed Easterling, and that whole “this is what SHOULD happen” group looking foolish. I think you said above, eventually there will be a crash and deflation–are they wrong, or just way early. They are just investing according to what they believe.

    Maybe he wasn’t defending himself per se, but I thought he did try to show how out of whack market parameters are today compared to 1929, and 1987–in defense of his position, and he answered Pimm Fox about the $400 gold call.

    As for the bond market…I don’t think we run the bond market anymore. I think some countries would buy our bonds if they had no yield at all.

    I’ll try to take the high road next time.

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