October 1987

Asian bourses are down 1.75 – 2% as of this moment — might this be a coincidental forewarning on the 20th anniversary of the October 19, 1987 crash?

Rather unlikely — as you can see by this 30-day chart of October 1987 (via WSJ), US markets fell on 10/19/87 by more than 10X that amount — 23% !


Exorcising Ghosts of Octobers Past
Despite Housing Slump, Crashes Such as in 1987 Likely to Stay Memories
WSJ, October 15, 2007; Page C1

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  1. SINGER commented on Oct 19

    It’s incredible that even with the huge uptrend in the DOW since the ’87 crash, our purchasing power has still decreased…

    Two worker families a must now on LI unless super rich…

  2. Owner Earnings commented on Oct 19

    The guys in that picture look like they are working really hard.

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