The Weirdest Product Endorsement Ever

Tide_to_go I’m a slob (No kidding?)

It should come as no surprise that I often stain my shirts (I’m careful to move the tie out of the way).

P&G has this stick: Tide to Go. Its not a pre-soak — its an "instant stain remover."

I can’t vouch that the thing doesn’t cause cancer, but it sure as hell works.

I used to carry around these portable little "Shout!" wet-nap like things, but the Tide stick is now in my briefcase, and in my desk drawer.

If you are, like me, a sloppy eater, than you must spend  $4 (or $18 for a six pack) and get one of these.


No, I don’t get paid a cent for this. But if you click on this link to order it from Amazon, I get 18 cents (So I got THAT going for me, which is nice).

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  1. pmorrisonfl commented on Oct 16

    I like the persistent, occasional Caddyshack references. Once I get a job that requires a clean shirt and tie again, I’ll pick some of this up. Let us know how the cancer thing goes.

  2. peter from oz commented on Oct 16

    please send a case collect
    rgds pcm

  3. shakes commented on Oct 16

    I better buy the 6 pack now, the way helicopter Ben is priting money those things could be going for $8 a piece by Christmas time.

  4. JB commented on Oct 17

    Gunga galunga…gunga — gunga galunga.

  5. Richard commented on Oct 17

    18 cents…”a little something for the effort..”

  6. Justin commented on Oct 17

    Sounds like the New M-LEC fund might need some of these sticks. Little quote from article: (refering to the non-main banks) “For others, the allure of the M-LEC will be more mainstram: fees. Some of the feees will come from underwriting a portion of the M-LEC capital. But most will probably come from an unusual feature: options sold to the SIVs giving them the right to sell a certain portion of their assets into the M-LEC fund over a negotiated period of time. So that should be straightforward, then: option pricing based on valuations of assets that nobady seems willing to trade.”

  7. jras commented on Oct 17

    Slobs of the world, UNITE! Buy this magical thing b/c it works! I too, have one in my desk at work. And it works well—except on tomato sauce…which it adequately preps so the stain does come out.

    I upgraded to this pen from the Shout wipes. No pride here. My wife knows I am a slob.

    “Hi, my name is Jason and I am a Slob” (everyone) “Hi Jason!”

  8. ZackAttack commented on Oct 17

    But on your deathbed, you will receive… total consciousness.

  9. DavidB commented on Oct 17

    Is this some sort of power test to check and see how many of your followers will blindly click and buy on your command?

  10. worth commented on Oct 17

    This reminds me of the Odd Couple-inspired cartoon with the slob dog and the cat who carried around a miniature vacuum cleaner in his pocket for crumbs. Wonder if that bad boy ran on some early 70’s forerunner of rechargeable lithium ion, or if he just went through disposable batteries like there was no tomorrow? Which, for him, there probably wasn’t, since we were all going to be dead of hairspray-induced ozone depletion or a Soviet 1st strike or DDT poisoning of the food chain LONG before battery disposal issues became a concern.

  11. KP commented on Oct 17

    “Remember Danny – Two wrongs don’t make a right but three rights make a left.”

    Ahh, the good old days when Chevy Chase was actually funny instead of senile.

  12. C. Maoxian commented on Oct 17

    Carl Spackler fans, unite!

  13. Datanerd commented on Oct 17

    I’m such a slob and data geek that I have acutally had opportunity to test both on the same stain on the same shirt. I found that the Shout wipes did a better job of removing the spot, but the Tide pen is certainly more convenient.

  14. zot23 commented on Oct 17

    Maybe not the weirdest endorsement ever, but definitely the messiest ;)

  15. ChrisRet commented on Oct 17

    Just don’t forget to pack them in your checked luggage when you fly.. my wife had hers confiscated (it was in her purse) when we went to board a flight. Who comes up with these retarded policies, anyways?

  16. Greg0658 commented on Oct 17

    Ritholtz Research owns no P & G? Or the massive # of Funds your firms into own no P&G?

    I’d bet you do and I got no prob with that.

    [BR: NONE OF THE ABOVE; please read the disclosire doc here:

    But I’d also bet the Amazon link is a
    Edit Comment | Post | The Big Picture | Your Weblogs | TypePad better payout if it takes. And I ain’t got no prob with that. Next order throw 1 in the box
    or get it at the bricks and mortar store down the street.
    I will get one on the recommendation. BR – make a YouTube testimonial, maybe Donnie will see it and put ya on the big screen snagging real royalties as a tv good guy.

    ps – Is there a way to link a month from now at Amazon on some purchase – TPB sent me here (pay up)? Probably not, so add over in the clouds – buy a Tide Stick.

    Best wishes : -)

  17. Barry Ritholtz commented on Oct 17

    We own no P&G, but if we did, we disclose it.

  18. Will commented on Oct 17

    I agree, the thing is amazing. However, after a couple of months sitting in my desk drawer, the fluid now has a very bizarre and foul odor…. almost smells like pizza sauce. Seriously.

  19. whipsaw commented on Oct 17

    Reminded me of one of my favorite insult quotations:

    Dogs gather to watch him eat.

    Trouble is I can’t remember who said it or who the target was. I am pretty sure it was late 19th century and was said about some politician or other. Anybody know?


  20. Whammer commented on Oct 18

    Big hitter, the Lama.

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