Fusion IQ Podcast

I had a lot of fun discussing FusionIQ with Andy Horowitz of the Disciplined Investor. If you are looking for a broader explanation of what Fusion does, this is a good overview.


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TDI Episode 46: The Premiere of FusionIQ [41:57m]:


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  1. Dave commented on Mar 3

    Nice, this looks even better than finviz.com

    Good work, Barry.

  2. bjk commented on Mar 3

    After navigating through the ads to find the posts, I notice that now the posts are also ads. Very tricky.

  3. Winston Munn commented on Mar 3


    One thing about Fusion IQ I wonder about is the buy signals occuring in a bear market – seems to me many (or most) of these will be false breakouts.

    Not that William J. O’Neill is the absolute guru on markets, but he did write (and I papaprhase) that unless you are trading with the market direction, all his CANSLIM methods turn into a SLIM-CHANCE.

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