Goes Real-Time


FYI: is now providing real time stock and index quotes: is pleased to now offer real-time prices for U.S. stocks in
the Company Quotes & Research section, which is accessible at the
top of most pages of the site. Beginning today, June 2, real-time stock
prices are available during U.S. market trading sessions, at no charge.
Below are some Frequently Asked Questions on the real-time quotes.

I have no idea if this is for subscribers only, or for the public. (please check and post if you can see real time data without a subscription)

UPDATE II JUNE 3, 2008 5:52am

Charlie tells me that MSN Money has had real-time quotes for years


UPDATE JUNE 2, 2008 1:52pm

I see that Google Finance is now real time also . . .


Source: Adds Real-Time Quotes 

Barrons, JUNE 2, 2008

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  1. wnsrfr commented on Jun 2

    I just checked, and with no subscription am getting the standard 15 minutes delayed quotes with “Free Content” displayed at the top of the page…so I guess subscribers-only on the real-time.

  2. Dude commented on Jun 2

    If you log out of your Barron’s online subscription, and request a quote, you get a realtime quote for a few minutes. But soon, you can’t even access Barron’s online without logging back into the site. So it appears you have to have a subscription.

  3. Victor Wang commented on Jun 2

    Real time without subscription, same as Yahoo.

  4. Ralph Kennedy commented on Jun 2

    I am a non-subscriber & got a realtime quote on DBA at 12:20ET

  5. Andrew Schmitt commented on Jun 2

    Google Finance went live with real-time too.

    Add in XRBL and I can’t wait to see what Google does.

  6. wnsrfr commented on Jun 2

    To qualify my earlier post, I actually entered more than one symbol and the resulting page (with more than one quote) is the 15 minute delayed.

    Entering symbols like IBM GLD SU gives you that page…

    When you enter only one symbol, you go to more detailed research, including realtime quote information…

  7. John Borchers commented on Jun 2

    Yahoo also has real time quotes again as of Friday I think they started it.

  8. mhm commented on Jun 2

    If you have time to watch ELP Level II, you’ll see how to use ‘large’ bid to prop up (or sustain) the price without actually buying much (or adding to position)… it has been like that all last week and it continues.

    Come on, don’t make it so obvious…

  9. Adan Lerma commented on Jun 2

    marketwatch has real time now too i believe

  10. Ken M. commented on Jun 2

    Same results here as previous posts.

    Not a Barron’s subscriber; quote for a single symbol is returned real-time, multiple symbols, the quotes are delayed.

    Tried Yahoo — same results; single symbol, real-time, multiple symbols delayed.

  11. Vermont Trader commented on Jun 2

    YHOO uses the BATS book and uses the NASDAQ book so they are not neccesarily comprehensive; just something to be aware of.

    MHM – the action you are noticing is typical of short covering.

  12. mhm commented on Jun 2

    Vermont Trader, it is unlikely to be short covering in this case, because 1) it is mostly takes, not hits and 2) ELP paid dividends last week.

    It is the obviousness of the bid floor that bothers me. It is not a professional job.

  13. Joe commented on Jun 2

    Google only has real-time for Nasdaq stock, NYSE is still delayed.

  14. michael schumacher commented on Jun 2

    have to agree with MHM on that one.
    Shorts cover and move on….the bid there is just another “warm fuzzy”


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