Alpha Into Beta

All About Alpha has a great Andrew Lo graphic depicting how Alpha eventually morphs into Beta:


A picture of the “betafication” of alpha
29 July 2008

What will happen to the quants in August 2017?
Andrew Lo
MIT and AlphaSimplex

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  1. VennData commented on Jul 31

    Anybody’s who’s evaluating hedge fund performance must read his book, ‘HedgeFunds – An Analytical Perspective.’

  2. bobn commented on Jul 31

    Haven’t most of our alphas gone to omegas these days? or zetas, or whatever?

  3. Jeff commented on Jul 31

    Maria “I scored a zero on Jeopardy” Bartiromo on with Mr. Bubble-maker right now throwing more softballs at him. How helpful.

  4. Joe commented on Jul 31

    Hmmm … I don’t think I understood most of that, but I feel kind of impressed with myself that I tried.

  5. Dave commented on Jul 31

    Hmmm… this was my point about the future of fusion iq if it is in fact a producer of alpha.

  6. Mark E Hoffer commented on Jul 31

    that link, Lo’s .ppt, is radical. esp. p.7

  7. Rich_Lather commented on Jul 31

    Hmmm… this was my point about the future of fusion iq if it is in fact a producer of alpha.

    Posted by: Dave

    exactly. reflexology in Soros-speak. It has played out before our eyes in oil prices. Historic peaks get announced every April and September until the greed catches on, smears out the peak, and makes it go vertical. I was surprised to see the July divot after all that has gone on the past year. Yes, folks, that’s a buy signal for oil.

  8. FutureDave commented on Aug 1

    I don’t even think there are that many steps to it. What percentage of stocks are being purchased by funds that are trying to mirror market performance in some way? Isn’t it about 100%?

    When is the last time you heard of someone looking at the product that a company manufactures, and investing in the stock based on the quality of the product?

    If I had enough money to short my own mutual fund, I could make that chart work in reverse.

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