Krugman on the Economy
A surge of private sector layoffs in July may suggest that the economic recovery is stalling. Former top White House economist Larry...
Bank Exposure to Greece
Given the pressure coming from Europe, it is as good a time as any to look at Greek bank exposure: > Source: Bank exposure to Greece...
10 Thursday AM Reads

Brace Yourselves, I’m Traveling

Change We Can Believe In
Paul Brodsky & Lee Quaintance run QB Partners, a private macro-oriented investment fund based in New York. ~~~
The race to debase continues
Not wanting to be left out in the race to debase (and another reason to continue the 10yr gold bull market), the Japanese again...
Colbert Report: America’s Credit Grating
America should handle credit ratings agencies the way it does all terrorists: by marching the marines into their offices and whisking...
Open Thread: You Call THAT A Bounce?
This morning, I suggested you could “Sell the Bounce.” What I mean by that was that from the deeply oversold conditions,...
10 Wednesday PM Reads