Why Not Everyone is Feeling the Economic Recovery



My Sunday Washington Post Business Section column is out. This morning, we look at why the economic recovery is so unevenly distributed.

The print version had the full headline Not everyone is feeling the economic recovery while online the headline was Are you not feeling the economic recovery? This could be why.

Here’s an excerpt:

“The economy is, in a word, “lumpy.” It is strong in some regions, anemic in others. Strength by economic sector varies widely. There are myriad reasons for this: Some parts of the country were much harder hit by the real estate collapse; some sectors naturally rebound more quickly; some innovations lend themselves to more rapid growth.

The kind of recovery that you personally are experiencing is highly dependent upon many factors, but today I want to focus on three: education, market sector and geography. The data suggest these elements matter a great deal. Look closely, and you can see how your personal economic recovery is doing — and why.”

The column looks at the various ways elements impact your employment rates and wages. And, when no one was looking, I managed to slip in a Tom Brady joke.



Are you not feeling the economic recovery? This could be why.
Barry Ritholtz
Washington Post, May 17, 2015


What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. VennData commented on May 17

    We must incentivize already hard working job creators.
    We must expand the tax base by raising taxes on the newly better of minimum wage lucky ducks.
    We must give more student loans to private school job machines.
    More religious rights.
    Bring back pre-existing conditions.
    End the grip solar power has on our children.
    Raise tarrifs. If cutting them is bad, then raising them will be great.

  2. save_the_rustbelt commented on May 17

    The impacts of globalization have been very uneven across regions, particularly NAFTA.

    Corporate America has worked for decades to shift the balance of power between labor and management, and has succeeded.

    The GOP (my party regrettably) has gone from cowboy and crony capitalism to full out Wall Street worship and Tea Party crazy.

    The Democrats think more regulations and higher taxes solve any problem.

    Bad moon rising.

  3. Futuredome commented on May 17

    Every economic recovery is going not be distributed evenly.

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