World Giving Index 2014

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  1. davebarnes commented on Sep 14

    British and Dutch influence is obvious.

  2. RC commented on Sep 14

    There is some correlation with communism and low charity. Check out, Russia, China, Venezuela, Ecuador. All featuring in the lowest!!!

  3. Ezra Abrams commented on Sep 14

    will you consider that cartograms are a way better way to display this sort of info ?
    as in, all of N Canada not dominating the mind of the viewer ?

    good ones are hard to find; this isn’t to bad for US states


    ADMIN: We’ve run many cartograms around these parts:

  4. intlacct commented on Sep 14

    I wonder what the US/Canada/Australia (the non-atolls that vote against the annual Peaceful Resolution to the Question of Palestine vote in the UN) ratings would be if you deducted charitable contributions to Israeli charities/those supportive of Israel.

    • davebarnes commented on Sep 16

      Nice try there with your not so subtle anti-Israel point.
      “Americans gave $358.38 billion in 2014.”
      “Americans give about $1.5 billion annually in private contributions [to Israel]”.
      So, the answer to your question is: 1/2%.

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