Twitter + Dorsey = ?

From Recode, comes this critique of Jack Dorsey since his return to Twitter two years ago:

By all available metrics, Dorsey has failed.

Twitter disagrees. When presented with our reporting, the company pointed out that daily active user growth has increased by double digits for three straight quarters. (Twitter only shares the growth uptick, not the actual figures.) A spokesperson also referenced Twitter’s redesign, its algorithmic timeline and its lite version for international markets as examples of “big bets.”

Twitter’s executive turnover, another major issue, seems to be slowing down, but the company still lost more than a dozen key product and business leaders in the past two years.

And Dorsey is still a part-time CEO, as he is also CEO of payments company Square. Nearly every source we’ve spoken to over the past two years, from leadership all the way down to Twitter’s rank-and-file, expected Dorsey to have picked one or the other by now.


Jack Dorsey returned to Twitter two years ago — but he still hasn’t saved the company
click for ginormous graphic

Source: Recode


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