Is Google an (illegal) Monopoly?

How did Google get so big? 60 Minutes reports on the power of Google, a company whose critics say has stifled competition:

Most people love Google. It’s changed our world, insinuated itself in our lives, made itself indispensable. You probably don’t even have to type into your computer, it’s often the default setting, a competitive advantage Google paid billions of dollars for. No worry. Google is worth more than three-quarters of a trillion dollars right now and you don’t get that big by accident

Since going public in 2004, Google has acquired more than 200 companies, expanding its reach across the internet. It bought YouTube, the biggest video platform. It bought Android, the operating system that runs 80% of the world’s smartphones and it bought DoubleClick, which distributes much of the world’s digital advertising, all of this barely raising an eyebrow with regulators in Washington.

Video after the jump


Source: 60 Minutes


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