Astrology-based Stock Picking App

Source: The Verge



We all know the odds are stacked against the stock pickers who try to outperform the broad indexes. The need an edge to offset their higher costs and turnover. Perhaps they might consider using Astrology . . . ?

This is pretty amusing, and I assume, intended as a joke. Still, it is quite telling:

“Bull & Moon is the first app that gives personalized stock recommendations based on astrological compatibility; your birthday and publicly traded companies’ birthdays (better known as their founding date). But the question remains, can an astrology-based investment strategy outperform the market?”

If you have any doubts about this as a goof, just look at the source: its from the professional pranksters behind MSCHF, the group behind the font Times Newer Roman, “a sneaky font designed to make your essays look longer.”



See Also: Bull and Moon and App Store

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