10 Friday AM Reads

My end of week morning train WFH reads:

How Vote-Counting Became a Job for the States The Constitution’s framers took pains to keep power over national elections out of presidential hands. (Bloomberg) see also The Most Interesting Results From the 2020 Election (So Far) 18 other interesting developments from the 2020 election. (GQ)
Do We Need to Regulate YouTube? The painful question of the music industry and YouTube: (Penny Fractions)
In Tight Housing Market, Sales Come With Surprising Conditions, Including Skeletons Home sellers with the upper hand are asking for odd-ball contingencies; fallout over a pink flamingo (Wall Street Journal)
• The pandemic has created a middle class private jet boom With commercial airlines grounded, holidaying households are booking business flights to beat local lockdowns (Wired)
Mervyn King: The Perils of Meritocracy For a divided West, income equality matters — but so too does equality of dignity and respect. (Bloomberg)
The Pandemic Forced Joe Biden to Think Bigger. Meet the Economists Who Got Him There. Fixing the economy might be his biggest challenge if he wins, and the wonks shaping that agenda offer clues for how he’ll do it. (Mother Jones)
‘Hydrogen Wars’ Pit Europe v. China for $700 Billion Business: U.S. sits on sidelines amid global race to cut CO2 emissions; Industry seen as way to clean air, boost sagging economies (Hyperdrive)
Why great design is timeless The design language is the very DNA of a product and thus defines the brand and its identity. (Om)
•  Make America Boring Again, Fix Its Dated Electoral System: The U.S. could adopt a few easy reforms—and a few tough ones—to take the drama out of its democracy. (Businessweek)
Area 51 Has A Huge New Hangar Facility That Points To A Drone Swarm Future The Air Force is accelerating its advanced combat drone development efforts and the facility’s unique attributes seem perfect for supporting them. (The Drive)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business next week with Adam Posen, president of the Peterson Institute for International Economics. Posen’s research into monetary and fiscal policies have propelled the institute to international recognition. He was a voting member of the Bank of England.


Presidential Elections Don’t Matter (for Investments)

Source: Morningstar


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