Valuations, Cycles & Bubbles!



Tomorrow, I am giving a webinar presentation at Princeton’s Bendheim Center for Finance at 12:30pm. The topic is Market Values, Cycles and Bubbles.

If you want to actively participate + ask questions you must register here. Otherwise, you can watch the  livestream on You Tube.

BCF asks the audience some baseline poll questions before the event begins — these are the multiple choice questions for that poll.

1. Today’s Market Valuations Are:
a) The most expensive we have seen in a long while!
b) Pricey, but tolerable
c) TINA, Federal Reserve made Valuations no longer matter
d) Its complicated

2. The Current Bull Market is:
a) 12 years old, and very late in the cycle;
b) Looking past the pandemic and forward to the recovery;
c) Reset by the 2020 crash and recovery, its barely a year old;
d) Who cares about the age of a bull market?

3. How Bubblicious is the market today?
a) Congratulations! Its a Bubble!
b) Pockets of froth + speculation,
c) Nothing to worry about — its all good!
d) No one can identify a bubble in real time.

Looking forward to tomorrow !


Prior BCF webinars are here;

Free registration for tomorrow’s event is here


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