Register Now for Future Proof 2023!


SAVE THE DATE: Future Proof 2023, September 10-13


We hosted the first Future Proof conference last year, and it was quite delightful (see all of the reviews here). This year, we are upping the ante, with more guests speakers, more live podcast recordings, and more fun! I think for RIAs, it is the most important conference event of the year, as do others (Best Conference Experience for 2023).

Its only 4 months away!

Our 2022 FP had attendees from all over the country and the world, with an average age far younger than the typical financial conference. We made a concerted effort to have women and people of color attend as well. This is the next generation of the wealth management industry, and they showed up in droves because they want to be cutting-edge and stay ahead of the curve. the curve.

This year, we are upping the ante — we took all of 2022 attendee feedback & smart suggestions and made this year’s event even better.  I am super jazzed about FP23!

Register now for FutureProof 2023

We have a killer line-up of guest speakers, interviews, fireside chats, live podcast recordings, and more. You can see the preliminary list of attendees after the jump. It’s gonna be great, and I hope to see you there!

SAVE THE DATE: Future Proof 2023, September 10-13

Future Proof will feature over 100 industry-leading speakers, innovators, and disruptors building the future of wealth management, including:

In addition to wealth-focused content, Future Proof aims to foster a sense of community among attendees by offering shared cultural experiences in art, music and entertainment. Experience an exciting lineup of musicians and performers, including legendary east coast rappers Method Man (Wu-Tang Clan) and Redman (Def Squad) taking center stage as the headlining acts and reggae collective Easy Star All-Stars opening on Tuesday.

More musical acts and speakers will be announced at a later date.




RIP Financial Conferences (September 15, 2022)

Futureproof Recap: Days 1, 2 & 3 (September 13, 2022)

Future Proof 2022 (Reviews)


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