10 Weekend Reads

The weekend is here! Pour yourself a mug of  coffee, grab a seat outside, and get ready for our longer-form weekend reads:

The Forgotten Titanic of the Pacific: A tale of disaster, survival, and ghosts. A person prone to superstition might be forgiven for thinking that the Valencia was cursed. Built in 1882, the ship was fired upon the following year near the island of Curaçao, and again four years later, this time by a Spanish warship just off the Cuban coast. During the Spanish-American War, it was leased to the U.S. Army and used to transport troops to the Philippines as part of an unofficial effort to aid rebels who, like their Cuban counterparts, were vying for independence from Spain. And in 1905, Captain Johnson ran it aground just outside St. Michael, Alaska; the crew had to move 75 tons of cargo onto another vessel before they could free the Valencia. (The Atavist Magazine)

The “return to the office” won’t save the office: The so-called “return to the office” has been underway for a while now, and it’s a bit of a mess. Sure, more people are going to the office more often than they were a year ago, but we’re still eons away from where we were before the pandemic. And despite the gains in office attendance, many office buildings themselves are in big trouble — some of which goes beyond remote work and started long before the pandemic. So despite what you’re hearing from some bosses, things will likely never go back to the way they were. (Vox)

AI just killed its first big stock: AI claims its first casualty… How to improve the odds of your kid earning a high salary… Eighty percent of kids say they’re learning faster with this new tech… My favorite way to play the AI education trend… (Risk Hedge)

The Swedish theory of love: All countries must balance the freedom of individuals with the demands of the community. Sweden’s solution is unique. (Aeon)

Apple’s New Headset Meets Reality: The device has strayed from Tim Cook’s original vision, but it will still define the field. (Businessweek)

Chatbots Don’t Know What Stuff Isn’t Today’s language models are more sophisticated than ever, but they still struggle with the concept of negation. That’s unlikely to change anytime soon. (Quanta Magazine)

The Offensive Before the Offensive: Ukraine Strikes Behind Russian Lines: Kyiv aims to destroy ammunition, fuel and other supplies as it seeks to starve Russian forces in the field ahead of broader ground campaign. (Wall Street Journal)

Other voices: The United States of Bed Bath & Beyond: The story of Bed Bath & Beyond is our story, the story of the United States here in the fin de siecle of The Long Now, where our entire country has been busted out and stripped for parts by grown men, rapacious men, different from Tony Soprano only in that they plunder legally within a system of courts and laws and regulatory agencies. (Epsilon Theory)

The short life of Baby Milo: Nobody expected Baby Milo to live for long. He arrived in the world with no kidneys, underdeveloped lungs and a life expectancy of between 20 minutes and a couple of hours. He lived for 99 minutes. (Washington Post)

The long, strange history of the baseball cap: You could be forgiven for thinking the baseball cap was always there, perched upon humanity’s head from the very first day we walked on the Earth, as eternal as the tallest trees or the deepest ocean. But, of course, that’s not true. In fact, long before baseball caps were the ubiquitous fashion choice for ballplayers, musicians, and Marvel heroes trying to blend in with a crowd, baseball teams didn’t even wear caps. That’s right: Had the game of baseball developed differently, perhaps we’d all be wearing big straw hats with our favorite club’s logo written across the front. (MLB)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business next week with Robyn Grew, Incoming CEO of Man Group, (and current President). Man Group is the largest publicly traded hedge fund in the world, whose history dates back 230 years to 1783. Previously, she held senior positions at Barclays Capital, Lehman Brothers, and LIFFE.


The Greatest Wealth Transfer in History Is Here, With Familiar (Rich) Winners

Source: New York Times


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