Never Tempt the Market Gods…
@TBPInvictus here: Dow just crashes through 25,000. Congrats! Big cuts in unnecessary regulations continuing. — Donald J. Trump...
Behavioral Summit 2018

Explaining the Correction, with Perfect Hindsight
The Stock-Market Meltdown That Everyone Saw Coming At least they saw it coming with the benefit of hindsight. The reality is, the...
Investing based on how you vote is still a terrible idea
Trump’s Election Shows How Much Investors Have to Learn Investing based on how you vote is still a terrible idea. Bloomberg, October 3,...
BBRG: Trump’s Election Shows How Much Investors Have to Learn
Trump’s Election Shows How Much Investors Have to Learn Investing based on how you vote is still a terrible idea. Bloomberg, October 3,...
Is Loss Aversion a Fallacy? (No)

Is Loss Aversion a Fallacy?

The World Is Hard…

Metacognition & Self-Confidence
Why incompetent people think they’re amazing David Dunning wrote this for Pacific Standard: In 1999, in the Journal...