Junk Bond Funds Are Imploding. (This is a feature, not a bug).
In the bond market, you can get liquidity or safety or yield — but not all three at the same time. Sometimes, even two out of three...
Rate Rise Amid Pandemonium
It should be easy to at least get the direction of interest rate changes correct, most of the time. Instead as we see in the chart here,...
The Fed Turns More Hawkish
I really like this graphic and commentary from Deutsche Bank’s Torsten Sløk: Source: Deutsche Bank Torsten Sløk...
Monetary Policy Renormalization
Monetary Policy Renormalization Narayana Kocherlakota | President Federal Reserve Bank of Minneapolis Philadelphia Fed Policy Forum...
Can the Fed hike with ISM below 50?
From Torsten Slok: I’m getting a lot of emails and phone calls from clients following the recession-level ISM number that just came...
Imagine You’re the Fed Chairman. Decide Rates
You’re the Fed Chairman. What Would You Do? Raising interest rates isn’t such an easy call. Bloomberg, November 30, 2015...
Imagine you are Federal Reserve Chairman: What Would You Do?
For this morning’s column, I want you to engage in a little thought experiment. Based on the e-mails readers have sent, many of you...