WSJ Poll gives Powell an “F”

Social Security Blog Smackdown!

The ShufflePlay Game
Last week, we discussed how the iPod Shuffle was the new radio. Its a straight forward thesis, hard to argue against. Have a gander at a...
Your Music Dot Com

Apple aiming for the sweetspot ?

iPod shuffle = new radio ?
I’ve been thinking about the iPod Shuffle since its introduction this week. The early critique of the newest Pod is its lack of a...
Poor Defenseless Wal-Mart
Does this PR campaign by Wal-Mart to "Straighten the Record, and Get the Truth Out There" strike anyone else as surreal —...
Dividend Math

Music Industry Responding (slowly) to Pricing Issues
Just about a year ago, we discussed the music industry’s intent to “decommoditize their products." The problem with that...