Congress Funds Infrastructure the Dumbest Way Possible
Writing in Fortune in January 2004, my View colleague Justin Fox wrote that the Interstate System… “was heralded as the...
Global Financial Literacy

Imagine you are Federal Reserve Chairman: What Would You Do?
For this morning’s column, I want you to engage in a little thought experiment. Based on the e-mails readers have sent, many of you...
The Amateur Advantage
How you, the amateur investor, can beat the pros Barry Ritholtz Washington Post, November 8, 2015 Since I started writing...
Defining Your Investment Philosophy

The Amateur Investing Advantage

Why Investing Debates are Different . . .
We live in an age of disagreement. There is no theory you can float, no idea you can casually tweet, no claim you can make, that will not...
LastWeekTonight – Real Quotes
John Oliver discusses the overwhelming misquotes used by influential public figures who either fake their quotes or don’t care about...