‘Wisdom of Crowds’ is Surprisingly Dumb
I had to chuckle when I read the following on Bloomberg yesterday: Paddy Power Plc said it was left “red-faced” after paying out...
Greece Referendum Results: No, 61.31%; Yes, 38.69%
Strap in — tomorrow is going to be a busy day: click for Greek voting results Source: ekloges.ypes.gr
The Days Are Long, But The Decades Are Short . . .
Dictionary of Obscure Sorrows: time is passing more quickly as we get older.
Buffett on Stock Prices
Its early in this potential correction, but let me remind you of Buffett’s interesting (1997) comments: “If you plan to eat...
Learning From Failure: Performing an Autopsy on Dead Start Ups
Postmortems for Startup Failures A new website autopsies the flops. Bloomberg, June 10, 2015 There has been relentless...
NFP: Is Good News Bad News?
Over the years, I have spilled far too many pixels on how overhyped the monthly nonfarm payroll report is. What matters...
Are Polls Always “Skewed” Against Republicans?
In my widely-discussed recent paper on Fox News, I suggested that its Republican bias was hurting the GOP in many ways. One specific...