Changes in the Home Loan Process
A reader who happens to be a mortgage loan originator send along this awesome graphic. To me, it calls bullshit on the WSJ article I...
Oh, No! Disclosure is Going to Mess Up Housing Sales!
Starting Saturday, the real-estate industry will be subject to new disclosure rules, courtesy of the Dodd-Frank law and the Consumer...
The World’s Smartest, Greenest, Most Connected Office...
The Edge, in Amsterdam, is officially the greenest office building in the world. It’s also the testing ground for a radical, highly...
Trump’s Wealth? Better Off Doing Nothing
Astonishing: Trump understates his early wealth as much as he overstates his present wealth. He says when he started out he was worth...
The Most Expensive Real Estate Markets in the World
San Francisco should be in here, depending upon how its defined: The greater Bay Area is about $1,000 a square foot, but if you take the...