Prediction Markets
Prediction Markets, Polls and the President’s Covid19 (October 2, 2020)
InTrade Blows It Again: ACA Upheld by SCOTUS (June 28, 2012)
The Velocity of Prediction Markets (February 17, 2009)
Prediction Markets Election Contest (November 3, 2008)
Prediction Markets Fail Again (October 20, 2008)
InTrade’s Strangely Misnamed Recession Bet (August 5, 2008)
Me Media: Prediction Markets in the NYT (February 13, 2008)
Why Prediction Markets Fail (January 11, 2008)
Misunderstanding Prediction Market Failures (February 14, 2007)
NYT Overstates Prediction Markets Efficacy (August 22, 2005)
Prediction Markets Redux (July 24, 2005)
Purcell & Prediction Markets (June 13, 2005)
The Prediction Markets Chalk Another One Up! (June 13, 2005)
A Few Words on Prediction Markets (May 26, 2005)