The Very Relevant Investor

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Last week, I noted our firm announced a new Educator / 403(b) division. I was excited to share with you the new design we created, with the help of the wizards at Aytoo, for Tony Isola’s blog, A Teachable Moment.

This week, I am excited to share with you the new site of another important part of the RWM machinery, Mike Batnick’s Irrelevant Investor. The title is a pun on Benjamin Graham’s Intelligent Investor — but despite the obvious humility, it is not very good pun — despite his relative youth, Mike has demonstrated that he is extremely relevant to investors.

Mike is a key part of our  firm — he is a CFA and the firm’s Director of Research. But unless you are in our shop, you probably have little idea exactly how relevant he is.

Mike is instrumental in putting together our asset allocation models; anytime we need to know the data behind something, we put him to work (he doesn’t stop running regressions until he sees excel spreadsheets in his sleep). Many of the presentations we use for clients, which take complex and intimidating subjects and make them friendly and easy to understand — are his handiwork. If you like the Masters in Business podcast, Mike is an extremely important part of the deep dives into those guests, as well as some of the more insightful questions that get asked. He is also the secret weapon behind Josh and my appearances in the media.

And he is relevant, not just to us in our shop, but to all investors.

If you like the idea of an evidence-based, data-driven investment philosophy, then be sure to check out Mike Batnick’s redesigned blog, Irrelevant Investor. It is filled with insightful posts, and is model for how indiviudals should think about allocating their monies.

You won’t be disappointed . . .

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