Why Are Stocks Falling?

Yesterday morning, Doug Kass gives us his short list of why stocks ought to take a stumble:

1. The price of gasoline rises to a new high, serving as the functional equivalent of a tax increase for the U.S. consumer.

2. Tech bellwether Cisco’s (CSCO) U.S. business enterprise is weak, and guidance for aggregate sequential revenue growth (of +4%) is disappointing.

3. Other tech companies like Novellus (NVLS) , Nokia (NOK) , SanDisk (SNDK) , Flextronics (FLEX) and Sanmina (SANM) disappointed. The much-heralded release of Vista has failed to meet expectations (and has led to a buildup in PC component parts). DRAM prices fall by nearly 70% to below cash production costs. Electronic Arts (ERTS) , Best Buy (BBY) and Circuit City (CC) guided lower, raising questions about the health of consumer electronics.

4. Multinationals offset end-market weakness in the U.S. by the effect of a weak U.S. dollar. More astonishingly, investors consider the foreign exchange gains as recurring.

5. The multiplier effect of the housing downturn hits many building materials companies like Mohawk Industries (MHK) , Home Depot (HD) and Graco (GGG) whiff, but rumors of private-equity deals bail investors out.

6. The U.S. dollar trends lower
and lower, and the likelihood of rising interest rates in Europe and in
Asia suggests interest rate differentials will widen further (putting
further pressure on our currency).

7. Wal-Mart (WMT) , Target
(TGT) , Talbots (TLB) , Sears (SHLD) and others lower comp guidance as
evidence of consumer weakness grows.

8. The plethora of mortgage resets — the single most important factor pressing the U.S. consumer — is dismissed.

The subslime mess is dismissed, despite growing evidence that the
credit contagion is spreading to motorcycle securitizations,
automobiles and elsewhere.

10. REITs trade above intrinsic value, and dividend yields are at all-time lows relative to another new paradigm.

11. Trucking and airline companies’ results are worse than expected, and forward guidance is reduced.

Banks’ net interest margins are threatened by competition (and industry
saturation) and an unfavorable yield curve as credit losses rise.

Leading indicators fall for three consecutive months, and the household
and payroll survey of jobs throws more caution to the wind.

The popularity of the Republican administration hits new lows as the
probability of a Democratic 2008 win increases, raising the specter of
the politics of trade protectionism, a more powerful view toward
antitrust and higher dividend and corporate tax rates.

Over there, speculation continues apace in emerging markets (especially
of an Asian-kind). China becomes the epicenter of the world’s
speculation in equities.


Of course, all these reasons existed yesterday, and will exist tomorrow.

My thesis is that each FOMC meeting is greeted by a sideways action
prior to the FOMC announcement, followed by a rally, followed by a sell
off. This FOMC meeting followed the script pretty perfectly.

15 Reasons Stocks Should Be Falling
Doug Kass
Street Insight, 5/10/2007 2:56 PM EDT

What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. Mo commented on May 11

    The Fed is toatly out of touch with low and middle income Family’s. The cost of feeding a family has been soaring due to Bush’s push to use Corn based Ethanol. 60% of a supermarket products are CORN BASED .

  2. jmf commented on May 11

    the main reason why stocks havn´t fallen so far…

    The global merger boom – déjà-vu / Economist


    but this could change very very soon…..

  3. grodge commented on May 11

    Without a catalyst, it seems this market melt-up will continue. I vaguely remember similar sentiment regarding the NASDAQ in ’98, ’99, ’00, until the market finally corrected back to reality.

    The NASDAQ was frothy at 3000, 4000 and 5000, but didn’t crack until over 5000.

    Calling a top is a tough business, and it may even be years off. Certain headlines now screech about “more DJIA up-days since 1927”; well 1928 and the first half of 1929 were pretty good years for the market, if my history is correct.

    Even selling in February 1930 would have preserved all the gains from the previous 6 months.

    The market is always either underpriced or overpriced, and it’s impossible for mere mortals such as myself to figure out when it’s going to re-set.

  4. Jrs commented on May 11

    I hear this at work all the time..The Market can go only one way – UP. In fact, a new hypothesis for the blog.

    As MEW has dried up, many of the middle class who I work with are selling stock in the run up to keep up with interest and lifestyle payments and thus the reason for the enthusiasm for the melt up. While I do not have quantitative data, it is based on some observations and conversations.

    Also, I have observed a new strategy post RIFT employees are doing or downsized employees. In post downsizing many employees took time off and relaxed, vacationed did the renovation on the house yet I have observed a rush for another job to have double pay for the next big project or purchase including saving for college in the household. Another signal the consumer is wearing out options.

    And last..In an urban setting with an average commute (20 miles 20 times a month) and then family activities which multiples the work mileage by 3 one gets around 1,200 miles. Lets say 2,000 miles and really get crazy. With MPG at 20 that mean 100 gallons of gas. Conclusion – You mean to tell me with a $1 increase in gas per gallon and $100 more each month breaks the budget? I hear this at work all the time and my only conclusion is debt load and lifestyle driven by consumer spending is extreme if $100 ‘breaks’ a middle managers budget household budget. To me that is a realization how close the edge things are for many people for the middle class I am part of and work with on a daily basis.

  5. Nova Law commented on May 11

    Why are stocks falling? Let me offer my own idea:

    6. There were more sellers than buyers yesterday.

    Just a thought…..

  6. toon commented on May 11

    We note that Doug Kass has been wrong so many times he might be right this time or maybe not.
    GOOG is our only short position right now

  7. rebound commented on May 11

    “The cost of feeding a family has been soaring due to Bush’s push to use Corn based Ethanol. 60% of a supermarket products are CORN BASED.”

    I would like to politely disagree. I would argue that Bush has little to with the spike in Ethanol production and everything to do with a host of other economic problems. I wouldn’t want to give him credit for a market response to demand, as we the people (the market) should get the thanks for this adaptation. (BTW: The food vs. fuel topic is a good one for a future thread if we can keep the politics civil. I would argue that the cost of goods at the grocery store is going up because the dollar had depreciated and incredible amount, and all of the commodities we consume have spiked up in response).

    I thank our lucky stars right now to have the Internet as a news source. The MSM has jumped the shark and it is a completely useless echo chamber of yapping idiots. I expect better from a free market … and surprise, given the news vacuum, an alternative has presented itself.

    I do think in the long term that the market will go up, therefore I am fundamentally bullish. Business evolves, innovation occurs, and we have a great system. However there are some fundamentals right now which are hard to deny, and certain aspects of the system are broken or in utter disrepair.

  8. Winston Munn commented on May 11

    Nova Law : “Why are stocks falling? Let me offer my own idea:

    6. There were more sellers than buyers yesterday.”

    LoL. I suspected as much but am grateful for the clarification.

  9. Fred commented on May 11

    Doug Kass gets a free pass, when he constatntly says he’s “all in” short.

    He’s a smart man, but not making any money if that’s all he is positioned. How tight are his stops? How can he still be in the game? He has also been smack dab in the middle of the crowd.

  10. Barry Ritholtz commented on May 11

    Doug has done pretty well for his investors. I am privvy to his quarterly investor letters, but only by dint of agreeing not to share the specifics.

    A few things to remember: Doug is rarely all in short; Second, the gains on specific stock shorts outweigh the upward bias fo the overall market.

    Lastly, his clients come to him as a short fund to be a hedge against their other holdings. They WANT him to be mostly short — especially as the marekt goes higher.

  11. Greg0658 commented on May 11

    Mo writes – “push to use Corn based Ethanol” mistake

    I add – I wish we capitalist could build the ethanol refineries like a bomb shelter instead of the gotta make it make money way we do it

  12. SPECTRE of Deflation commented on May 11

    Barry, thanks so much for this blog. You and others in blogland are helping people to see the financial world as it is and not through the old rose colored glasses.

    Just showing the average joe six pack what the $INDU has done against other currencies and PM’S would make them upchuck their dinners.

    Keep up the great work!

  13. Fred commented on May 11

    Barry….that’s been my perception, as Doug couldn’t stay in business if we read his posts at face value. To constantly say you’re “all in” makes good copy, but is disengenuous, and bombastic. I’m not sure why he’s not questioned about the other side of his trades…it is a free pass.

    I like Doug though…he makes me think (as do you obviously).

  14. patski commented on May 11

    shudda, wudda, cudda, been a contenda…

    Somewhere in Jesse’s book there’s a line, “Why don’t you short the market?”

    “Because we’re in a Bull Market….”

  15. Rich Berger commented on May 11

    Gotta love Mo – especially “toatly”. That’s a word that just rolls off the tongue.

  16. John Thompson commented on May 11

    Propaganda perception, denial, even on NPR. “Higher gas prices” – the culprit for slowing sales – not MEW vacuum!

    The point in all this though, it’s a loop. And we’re loopy with a gradual bubble hiss – no burst? China now “officially” buying equities to dump their couple trillion $$. Where else to go?? And how long can the his continue before the helicopters?

    Please!! Tell me we can responsibly grow to a 70 trillion $ economy and service our debt with nanomedicine, mito flushes, stem cells, cleaner transport, nano solar and wind, rebuilding infrastructure and iron ocean seeding to absorb the doubling CO2, safegaurd against solar irradiance being bullshit and BRIC and Dubai development acidifying the ocean to extinction?

    Otherwise, a crash is good??? Yes. But will it be allowed in time to forestall really really ugly consequences/Meltup Meltdown Anarchy?

  17. wunsacon commented on May 11

    Stocks are falling??

  18. Francois commented on May 11


    There are some “truths” in this list that give me the hives:

    a) “The price of gasoline rises to a new high, serving as the functional equivalent of a tax increase for the U.S. consumer.”

    No $hit Sherlock!

    Consider this for Caroline Baum:

    “It’s axiomatic that higher gas prices act like a tax on consumers.

    It’s also dead wrong. There is nothing about a demand-driven rise in oil prices that will discourage oil production and reduce the quantity supplied to the market, which is precisely the effect of a tax.

    Tax something more, and you get less of it: Now there’s an axiom you can hang your hat on. If the government imposes a tax on a good or service, the effect will be to shift the demand curve back (inward) or the supply curve upward, depending on whether the tax is levied on the consumer or producer. In both cases, the quantity supplied at the new equilibrium is lower than it was before.”

    B) “The popularity of the Republican administration hits new lows as the probability of a Democratic 2008 win increases, raising the specter of the politics of trade protectionism, a more powerful view toward antitrust and higher dividend and corporate tax rates.”

    Come again? The Dems in power is bad for stocks? Is there ANY PROOF, as in FACTS, DATA, you know, these thingies that are the bane of every ideologue, pundit and ayatollah alive?

    If we are to take this “truth” at face value, a merged chart of the stock market returns versus of the party holding power in DC should show lower returns with Dems and higher with Republicans.

    I will let the curious and honest among the readers to do the exercise. It could surprise some.

    “a more powerful view toward antitrust”

    Pray tell since when was it demonstrated that more trusts is a good thing for the economy?

    “higher dividend and corporate tax rates”

    As Buffet convincingly shown, the real boogeyman of the investor is INFLATION, not taxes. Of course, I do not want more taxes. (DUH!) Question is: Will the next Administration have any choice in that respect?

    “politics of trade protectionism”

    Hmmm! Agreed, that would be a bad thing. However, I still have to see how THIS administration has been a model of free trade compared to others. i was not aware that the GOP was insulated from the pressures of interest groups looking for economic protection from the “others.

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    Pioneer Model: DJM-600K————–$800.00
    Pioneer PDP-5050HD plasma TV $1000usd
    Pioneer PDP-424MV Plasma TV $756usd
    Pioneer PDP-42A3HD Plasma TV $600usd
    Pioneer PDP-434CMX Plasma TV $500usd
    Pioneer PDP-43A5HD Plasma TV $560usd
    Pioneer PDP-4360HD Plasma TV $700usd
    Pioneer PDP-504CMX Plasma TV $600usd
    Pioneer PDP-505CMX Plasma TV $500usd
    Pioneer PDP-5060HD Plasma TV $700usd
    Pioneer PDP-614MX Plasma TV $780usd


    Sharp Aquos LC-45GX6U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV.$500
    Sharp Aquos LC45GD4U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$350
    Sharp Aquos LC-45GD7U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV $450
    Sharp Aquos LC-20S4U 20 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$250
    Sharp Aquos LC-26DA5U 26 in’ LCD TV………..$300
    Sharp Aquos LC-37D7U 37 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$400
    Sharp Aquos LC-37D7U 37 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$450
    Sharp Aquos LC-32DA5U 32 in Flat Panel LCD TV $350


    NEC 42XM3 Plasma TV $700usd
    NEC 42XR3 Plasma TV $500usd
    NEC 50XM4 Plasma TV $780usd
    NEC 50XR4 Plasma TV $900usd
    NEC 61XM3 Plasma TV $560usd
    NEC 61XR3 Plasma TV $500usd
    NEC 84VP4 Plasma TV $690usd
    Hitachi CMP4211u Plasma $850
    Hitachi CMP4212u Plasma $350
    Hitachi 42HDF52 Plasma HDTV $400
    Hitachi 42HDT52 Plasma TV $440
    Hitachi 55HDS52 Plasma HDTV $480
    Hitachi 55HDT52 Plasma TV $650
    Hitachi CMP-55HDM71 Plasma $420


    Sony PFM-42V1/S Television…..$500usd
    Sony KDE-61XBR950 Television..$5000usd
    Sony KDE-42XBR950 Television..$1000usd
    Sony PFM-42X1/S Television…..$500usd
    Sony KDE-42XS955 Television….$550usd
    Sony FWD-50PX1/S Television…$1200usd
    Sony FWD-42PV1 Plasma TV…….$500usd
    Sony KE-42M1 Plasma TV………$580usd
    Sony PFM-42X1 Plasma TV……..$600usd
    Sony KDE-42XS955 Plasma TV…..$700usd
    Sony FWD-50PX1 Plasma TV…….$750usd
    Sony KDE-50XS955 Plasma TV…..$680usd
    Sony Grand WEGA KDFE42A10 TV…$400usd
    Sony Grand WEGA SXRD KDS R60XBR1$600usd
    Sony Grand WEGA SXRD KDS R50XBR1$450usd
    Sony Wega KDF-E50A10 TV ……$450usd
    Sony Wega KDL-V40XBR1 TV ……$400usd
    Sony Wega KD-37FS130 TV ……$400usd
    Samsung HP-R4252 Television $500usd
    Samsung LN-R328W – LCD TV 32 $500usd
    Samsung LN-R408D – LCD TV 40 $800usd
    Samsung LT-P326W – LCD TV 32 $650usd
    Samsung LTM 225W – LCD TV 22 $500usd
    Samsung PPM63H3-plasma panel63 $2000usd
    Samsung HPP5031 – plasma panel50 $1000usd
    Samsung HP-R4252 Plasma TV $560usd
    Samsung HP-R5052 Plasma TV $1000usd
    Samsung HP-P5581 Plasma TV $950usd

    Our product are brand new unlocked , 1st factory condition
    with complete accessories and 2years company waranty
    You may return the item within ten (10) days of delivery of
    the order. Products with Manufacturer Warranties which
    exceed 30 days, returned directly to the manufacturer
    according to their instruction.

    Customer may request a replacement product otherwise Company
    credit will be issued.
    We ship to any destination within 48hours after confirming
    your part payment for the types and pcs you demand.
    We use reputable courier services of your choice for
    Distribution of our goods worldwide!
    All currency are in United State Dollars, Visit (www.xe.com)
    in order to Calculate the cost of conversion of your order.

    CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: stvmobilepro@hotmail.com

  21. Gillat Roy commented on Mar 2

    TELECOM SALES LIMITED is a registered and a legitimated company,certified wholesaler of various Brand new Mobile Phones ,Nokia,Motorola,Nextel,Samsung,Sony Ericsson ,video games,Play station 2,play-station 3,Nintendo wii 60gb,sony psp,x-box 360 premium..

    TELECOM SALES LIMITED is a company that enables customers to successfully deploy secure business and telecommunications strategies.

    Furthermore, it is anticipated that TELECOM SALES LIMITED
    Company will extend its ownership and become the dominant mobile and video games dealer.

    We give out 100% guarantee of our good of products and satisfactions.We deliver goods to
    customers door post within 24hours.. So interested buyers should contact us for more enquiries.
    Brand new,UNLOCKED,complete accessories,original packaging,factory sealed box with 18months
    international warranty.

    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy 5pcs get 2pcs For FREE!!!

    Contact us for more enquiries:

    E-mail: telesales@live.com



    Nokia n95 Phones…………. cost$230USD
    Nokia N95 8GB……………..cost$300usd
    Nokia N93i cost$220USD
    Nokia N97 cost$280USD
    Nokia 8800 Sirocco Gold Editions……… cost$160USD
    Apple iPhone 8GB……………cost$250USD Only!
    Nokia N77………..cost$230USD
    Nokia E90 Communicator……….. cost$230USD
    Nokia 8800 Sirocco Silver Editions………. cost$150USD
    Nokia 8800 Sirocco Diamond Editions……… cost$200USD
    Nokia n76 Phones ………..cost$230USD
    Nokia n800 Phones……………. cost$180USD
    Nokia Vertu……………$500USD
    Nokia N80i…………..cost$160USD
    Nokia N91 Music Version………….$160USD
    Nokia N80……$140USD
    Nokia N93…….$180USD
    Nokia N92…….$130USD
    Nokia N91…….$190USD
    Nokia N90…….$180USD
    Nokia N70…….$130USD
    Nokia N73…….$150USD
    Nokia N71…….$140USD


    Apple MacBook Pro Laptop……..$399USD
    Dell Xps M2010 Core 2 Duo cost$500
    Dell Xps M1710 cost$535USD
    Nikon D40x Digital Camera + Lens ………..cost$1400

    Tom-tom Go GPS:

    TOM TOM GO 500………… $150USD
    TOM TOM GO 510………… $200USD
    TOM TOM GO 700………… $220USD
    TOM TOM GO 910………… $220USD
    TOM TOM GO 300………… $190USD
    O2 XDA IIs…….$125usd
    Motorola A1200…………$120usd
    Motorola razor v3………$100usd
    Motorola razor v3 pink edition….$120usd
    Motorola v3X……………….$140usd
    Motorola V3i………….$110
    Motorola V3c……….$120
    Motorola MPX300.,…$130usd
    Motorola U6……..$130

    Sony Ericsson p990…..$140usd
    Sony Ericsson p910i….$125usd
    Sony Ericsson w900i….$140usd
    Sony Ericsson K750i….$130usd
    Sony Ericsson k800i….$132usd
    Sony Ericsson k700i….$120usd
    Sony Ericsson W800i….$145usd
    Sony Ericsson W900 ….$190usd
    sony Ericsson w600i….$130usd
    Sony Ericsson d750i….$150usd
    Sony Ericsson z1010….$180usd

    I-MATE Smartflip ……. $140
    I-MATE JAMin ……… $240
    I-MATE JASJAR …….. $250
    I-MATE K-JAM ……… $180
    I-MATE SP5 ……… $150
    I-MATE SP5m ……… $155
    I-MATE SP4m ……… $120
    I-MATE JAM Black …….. $150
    I-MATE JAM ……… $160
    I-MATE PDA2 ……… $190
    I-MATE PDA2k ……… $168
    I-MATE SP3i ……… $130
    I-MATE SP3 ……… $135
    I-MATE Pocket PC ……… $140
    I-MATE Smartphone2 …….. $110
    I-MATE Smartphone …….. $115
    Sidekick III Phones……………. cost$130USD

    HP IPaq Pocket PC H4150…………120 USD
    Toshiba Pocket PC E800……………..140 USD
    Palm one Treo 650……………130 USD
    Treo 680 ……………cost$140USD
    Palm one Treo 700p…………$145USD
    Palm Treo 750……………cost$180
    O2 XDA ATOM….170 USD
    O2 XDA EXEC….130 USD
    O2 XDA MINI….140 USD
    Orange Blackberry……..$170usd
    Orange 3G Datacard…….$150usd

    Nextel i930………$130usd
    Nextel i880 ……..$140usd
    Nextel i870………$120usd
    Nextel i860………$100usd
    Nextel i90c………$75USD
    Nextel i95cl……..$90USD

    Apple iPod nano Media Player 2GB ….60usd
    Apple iPod nano Media Player 4GB ….80usd
    Apple iPod nano Media Player 6GB ….100usd
    Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Blue M9436LL/A…60USD
    Apple 2 GB iPod Nano…………………….60USD
    Apple 4 GB iPod Nano……………………100USD
    Apple 30 GB iPod Video………………….120usd
    Apple 60 GB iPod Video…………………150USD

    Panasonic TH-42PD50U Television…..$600usd
    Panasonic TH-42PX50U Television…..$1000usd
    Panasonic TH-50PX50U Television…..$1500usd
    Panasonic TH-42PWD6UY Television….$500usd
    Panasonic TH-42PD25U/P Television…$400usd
    Panasonic TH-42PHD8UK Television….$450usd
    Panasonic TH-65PHD7UY Television….$2500usd
    Panasonic TH-37PX50U Television….$500usd
    Panasonic TH-42PX500U Television…$800usd

    Philips 42PF7320A/37 Plasma TV $600
    Philips 42PF9630A/37 Plasma HDTV $700
    Philips 50PF7320A/37 Plasma HDTV $720
    Philips 50PF9630A/37 Plasma HDTV $550
    Philips 50PF9830A/37 Plasma HDTV $800
    Toshiba 42DPC85 Plasma TV $760
    Toshiba 42HPX95 Plasma TV $880
    Toshiba 50HP95 Plasma TV $750
    Toshiba 50HPX95 Plasma TV $900
    Toshiba Satellite PRO L20 $250
    Toshiba Satellite PRO L10 $320
    Toshiba Portege A200 $320
    Toshiba Satellite L10 $330
    Toshiba Qosmio F20 $500
    Toshiba Qosmio E10 $750
    Toshiba M200 $500
    Toshiba R100 $450
    Toshiba M100 $680
    Toshiba M300 $740

    Pioneer PDP-5050HD plasma TV $1000usd
    Pioneer PDP-424MV Plasma TV $756usd
    Pioneer PDP-42A3HD Plasma TV $600usd
    Pioneer PDP-434CMX Plasma TV $500usd
    Pioneer PDP-43A5HD Plasma TV $560usd
    Pioneer PDP-4360HD Plasma TV $700usd
    Pioneer PDP-504CMX Plasma TV $600usd
    Pioneer PDP-505CMX Plasma TV $500usd
    Pioneer PDP-5060HD Plasma TV $700usd
    Pioneer PDP-614MX Plasma TV $780usd

    Sharp Aquos LC-45GX6U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV.$500
    Sharp Aquos LC45GD4U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$350
    Sharp Aquos LC-45GD7U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV $450
    Sharp Aquos LC-20S4U 20 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$250
    Sharp Aquos LC-26DA5U 26 in’ LCD TV………..$300
    Sharp Aquos LC-37D7U 37 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$400
    Sharp Aquos LC-37D7U 37 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$450
    Sharp Aquos LC-32DA5U 32 in Flat Panel LCD TV $350

    NEC 42XM3 Plasma TV $700usd
    NEC 42XR3 Plasma TV $500usd
    NEC 50XM4 Plasma TV $780usd
    NEC 50XR4 Plasma TV $900usd
    NEC 61XM3 Plasma TV $560usd
    NEC 61XR3 Plasma TV $500usd
    NEC 84VP4 Plasma TV $690usd

    Hitachi CMP4211u Plasma $850
    Hitachi CMP4212u Plasma $350
    Hitachi 42HDF52 Plasma HDTV $400
    Hitachi 42HDT52 Plasma TV $440
    Hitachi 55HDS52 Plasma HDTV $480
    Hitachi 55HDT52 Plasma TV $650
    Hitachi CMP-55HDM71 Plasma $420

    Sony PFM-42V1/S Television…..$500usd
    Sony KDE-61XBR950 Television..$5000usd
    Sony KDE-42XBR950 Television..$1000usd
    Sony PFM-42X1/S Television…..$500usd
    Sony KDE-42XS955 Television….$550usd
    Sony FWD-50PX1/S Television…$1200usd
    Sony FWD-42PV1 Plasma TV…….$500usd
    Sony KE-42M1 Plasma TV………$580usd
    Sony PFM-42X1 Plasma TV……..$600usd
    Sony KDE-42XS955 Plasma TV…..$700usd
    Sony FWD-50PX1 Plasma TV…….$750usd
    Sony KDE-50XS955 Plasma TV…..$680usd
    Sony Grand WEGA KDFE42A10 TV…$400usd
    Sony Grand WEGA SXRD KDS R60XBR1$600usd
    Sony Grand WEGA SXRD KDS R50XBR1$450usd
    Sony Wega KDF-E50A10 TV ……$450usd
    Sony Wega KDL-V40XBR1 TV ……$400usd
    Sony Wega KD-37FS130 TV ……$400usd

    Samsung HP-R4252 Television $500usd
    Samsung LN-R328W – LCD TV 32 $500usd
    Samsung LN-R408D – LCD TV 40 $800usd
    Samsung LT-P326W – LCD TV 32 $650usd
    Samsung LTM 225W – LCD TV 22 $500usd
    Samsung PPM63H3-plasma panel63 $2000usd
    Samsung HPP5031 – plasma panel50 $1000usd
    Samsung HP-R4252 Plasma TV $560usd
    Samsung HP-R5052 Plasma TV $1000usd
    Samsung HP-P5581 Plasma TV $950usd

    Video Games:
    Brand new,Complete accessories,Original Packaging,Factory sealed box, + 10 hot games inside each
    game pack + 3 extra game controllers also comes with 18months international warranty.
    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy 5pcs get 2pcs For FREE!!!
    Nintendo Wii Bundle +10 Hot games. cost$150USD
    Play-station 2 + 10 hot games cost$150
    Play-station 3 60GB + 10 hot games cost$180
    X-box 360 premium + 10 hot games cost$150USD
    Sony PSP Consoles + 10 hot games cost$80USD

    SPECIAL OFFER: Buy 5pcs get 2pcs For FREE!!!

    Contact us for more enquiries:

    E-mail: telesales@live.com

  22. clude pasca commented on Mar 2


    Registered No. 08623001

    3641 Sausalito Los Alamitos, 40720


    We are a registered and authorise mobile phones
    distributors. We deal on brand new mobile phones with
    original boxes. Our products all has 2yr international
    warranty. We ship our products worldwide through
    reliable courier service eg, FedEx, UPS, DHL or GPDC and We
    are commited to our customers satisfaction and happiness. We
    render quality and effective services and We are working
    with fear of GOD, You can never regret doing business with
    us. You can contact us contact us through email for more

    CONTACT EMAIL: tntmobile@hotmail.com

    Tel: 5130117822

    Buy any 5 items and get 1 free”. Our prices are wholesale
    prices and we can send to you on request. we have phones
    ranging from Nokia,Vertu Phones, Samsung, Motorola, Apple
    iPhones 8GB, T-Mobile Juicy Sidekick II, T-Mobile Sidekick
    3, Sony Ericsson, I-Mates, O2 XDA phones,Nextel, TomTom Go,
    Qtek, Mister Cartoon Sidekick, Treo, PPC-6700, and many more
    and we also have all the model of Apple ipod, Xbox 360, Sony
    PSP and Sony PS3 and we also have all the the price list


    Apple Iphone 16Gb…………….$320

    Apple iPhone 8GB………………$280


    Nokia 8600 Luna $270usd
    Nokia 8800 Sirocco $260usd
    Nokia N95 8GB $280usd
    Nokia n95 for $250usd
    nokia n93 for $200usd
    Nokia n92 for $200usd
    Nokia n91 for $200usd
    Nokia n90 for $190usd
    Nokia n80 for $180usd
    Nokia n73 for $190usd-
    Nokia n71 for $170usd
    Nokia n70 for $180usd
    Nokia neo for $260usd
    Nokia e60 for $180usd
    Nokia e61 for $190usd
    Nokia e90 for $250usd


    MOTOROLA RAZOR V3 for……..$130usd
    MOTOROLA RAZOR V6 FOR……..$140usd
    MOTOROLA SLVR L7 For……..$140usd
    MOTOROLA SLVR V8 For……..$140usd
    MOTOROLA A1000 For………..$150usd
    MOTOROLA MPX 220 For…….. $120usd
    MOTOROLA MPX 300 For…….. $140usd
    SONY ERICSSON K700i For……$130usd
    SONY ERICSSON k750i For……$140usd
    SONY ERICSSON W800i For……$150usd
    SONY ERICSSON W900i For……$160usd
    SONY ERICSSON S700i For…….$140usd
    SONY ERICSSON P900 For……$140usd
    SONY ERICSSON P910i For…….$150usd
    SONY ERICSSON Z1010 For…..$160usd

    NEXTEL LIEK…………..01

    NEXTEL 1930 FOR…$120USD
    NEXTEL i870T FOR..$140usd
    NEXTEL i450 FOR…90usd
    NEXTEL 1860 FOR..$110USD
    NEXTEL i90c FOR.. 95USD
    NEXTEL i95cl FOR.. 100USD
    NEXTEL i30sx FOR.. 103USD
    NEXTEL i850 FOR…105usd

    OTHERS LIKE……………….

    Treo 650 for $150usd
    Treo 700 for $180usd
    Sick kick for $140usd
    Side kick 2 for $130
    Side kick 3 for $150
    Eten m 500 for $100usd
    ETEN G500 Quadband..$290
    ETEN G500 PDA ….$270
    ETEN G500 GSM GPS PDA…$$280

    Blackberry 7290..$150
    AT&T Blackberry7280.$180
    Blackberry 16MB col.$220
    Blackberry 8700c …$250
    Blackberry 7230 ….$220
    Blackberry 7290…..$180

    GAMES LIKE………………
    Nintendo Wii for $160usd
    Play station 3 for $200usd
    ice cube for $150usd
    X box360 for $140usd.

    Acer cs-5530 digital camera=$250USD
    Canon ixus 700 digital camera= $350
    Canon ixus 750digital camera =$300
    Canon ixus i zoom digital camera (jet black)=$700
    Canon ixus i zoom digital camera (Sahara)=$460
    Canon power shot s80 digital camera = $200
    Casio exilim ex-s500 digital camera (orange, )= $200
    Digital blue qx5 digital microscope= $330
    Fuji film finepix f10 digital camera =$450
    Nikon d2x digital camera (body only)=$310
    Olympus fe-100 digital camera =$400


    SONY VAIO PM 1.86GHz 1GB 40GB CDRW DVD WiFi XP ;;;$350
    SONY VAIO T43 2GHz 1GB 60GB Multiburner ABG WiFi XP ;;;$720
    SONY VAIO X40 1.5GHz 1.28GB 40GB UltraBase Combo X41;;;$700
    SONY VAIO X41 PM 1.5GHz 1GB 40GB B/G WiFi Win XP ;;;;;$450
    SONY VAIO X41 Tablet PM 1.5GHz 512MB 40GB B/G WiFi ;;;$480
    SONY VAIO T43 2.0GHz 2GB 80GB Bluetooth 14.1″ SXGA+ ;;;$500
    Sony VAIO UX Series VGN-UX390N VGNUX390N Micro Computer
    Ultra …$1200
    Sony Vaio UX180P Micro PC …………$600
    Sony VAIO UX380N Micro PC………..$1,100
    Sony VGN-UX280P VAIO(r) UX Series Micro PC Handheld 4.5″


    Tom-tom Go GPS:
    TOM TOM GO 500………… $150USD
    TOM TOM GO 510………… $200USD
    TOM TOM GO 700………… $220USD
    TOM TOM GO 910………… $220USD
    TOM TOM GO 300………… $190USD

    Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Pink M9435LL/A ……40 USD
    Apple 40 GB iPod photo………………..40 USD
    Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Silver M9160LL/A ….40 USD
    Apple 60 GB iPod Photo M9830LL/A……….60 USD
    Apple 60 GB iPod photo ……………….55 USD
    Apple 30 GB iPod Photo M9829LL/A……….50 USD
    Apple 512 MB iPod Shuffle MP3 Player……40 USD
    Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Blue M9436LL/A…….45 USD
    Apple 20GB iPod Nano …………………90USD
    Apple 2 GB iPod Nano………………….50 USD
    Apple 4 GB iPod Nano………………….60 USD
    Apple 30 GB iPod Vidoe……………….100 USD
    Apple 60 GB iPod Vidoe……………….110 USD
    Apple 80 GB iPod Vidoe……………….130 USD
    HTC Advantage X7500 $400
    HTC P4350 for.$350
    HTC S710 for..$300
    HTC TyTN for $280
    HTC P3300 for.$250
    HTC S620 for..$230

    Pioneer CDJ-MK3 1000—————-$750
    Pioneer DJ Effector – Red———–$350.00
    Pioneer System Case (CA-CMX5)…….$450.00
    Pioneer CDJ-800MK2 Digital Vinyl Turntable=–$520.00
    Pioneer Dual Rackmount CD Player——–$600.00
    Pioneer Pro DJ Mixer————-$720.00
    Pioneer Rack mount pro DJ mixer———$780.00
    Pioneer 96Khz / 24 bit digital mixer.—–$960.00
    Pioneer Flat Speakers (ea.)————-$980.00
    Pioneer Professional DVD Turntable——-$1500.00
    Pioneer Pro DJ 96Khz 24bit Mixer———$1,600.00
    Pioneer Djm-800 4 Channel Dj Mixer W/midi—$900.00
    Pioneer DJM-400 Professional DJ Mixer——$300.00
    Pioneer Pro DJ DJM1000 Pioneer Top of the Line D—$1,600.95
    Pioneer Super DJ mixer – Pioneer DJM909——$900.00
    Pioneer DJM-600——————————-$750.00
    Pioneer Model: DJM-600K————–$800.00
    Pioneer PDP-5050HD plasma TV $1000usd
    Pioneer PDP-424MV Plasma TV $756usd
    Pioneer PDP-42A3HD Plasma TV $600usd
    Pioneer PDP-434CMX Plasma TV $500usd
    Pioneer PDP-43A5HD Plasma TV $560usd
    Pioneer PDP-4360HD Plasma TV $700usd
    Pioneer PDP-504CMX Plasma TV $600usd
    Pioneer PDP-505CMX Plasma TV $500usd
    Pioneer PDP-5060HD Plasma TV $700usd
    Pioneer PDP-614MX Plasma TV $780usd


    Sharp Aquos LC-45GX6U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV.$500
    Sharp Aquos LC45GD4U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$350
    Sharp Aquos LC-45GD7U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV $450
    Sharp Aquos LC-20S4U 20 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$250
    Sharp Aquos LC-26DA5U 26 in’ LCD TV………..$300
    Sharp Aquos LC-37D7U 37 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$400
    Sharp Aquos LC-37D7U 37 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$450
    Sharp Aquos LC-32DA5U 32 in Flat Panel LCD TV $350


    NEC 42XM3 Plasma TV $700usd
    NEC 42XR3 Plasma TV $500usd
    NEC 50XM4 Plasma TV $780usd
    NEC 50XR4 Plasma TV $900usd
    NEC 61XM3 Plasma TV $560usd
    NEC 61XR3 Plasma TV $500usd
    NEC 84VP4 Plasma TV $690usd
    Hitachi CMP4211u Plasma $850
    Hitachi CMP4212u Plasma $350
    Hitachi 42HDF52 Plasma HDTV $400
    Hitachi 42HDT52 Plasma TV $440
    Hitachi 55HDS52 Plasma HDTV $480
    Hitachi 55HDT52 Plasma TV $650
    Hitachi CMP-55HDM71 Plasma $420


    Sony PFM-42V1/S Television…..$500usd
    Sony KDE-61XBR950 Television..$5000usd
    Sony KDE-42XBR950 Television..$1000usd
    Sony PFM-42X1/S Television…..$500usd
    Sony KDE-42XS955 Television….$550usd
    Sony FWD-50PX1/S Television…$1200usd
    Sony FWD-42PV1 Plasma TV…….$500usd
    Sony KE-42M1 Plasma TV………$580usd
    Sony PFM-42X1 Plasma TV……..$600usd
    Sony KDE-42XS955 Plasma TV…..$700usd
    Sony FWD-50PX1 Plasma TV…….$750usd
    Sony KDE-50XS955 Plasma TV…..$680usd
    Sony Grand WEGA KDFE42A10 TV…$400usd
    Sony Grand WEGA SXRD KDS R60XBR1$600usd
    Sony Grand WEGA SXRD KDS R50XBR1$450usd
    Sony Wega KDF-E50A10 TV ……$450usd
    Sony Wega KDL-V40XBR1 TV ……$400usd
    Sony Wega KD-37FS130 TV ……$400usd
    Samsung HP-R4252 Television $500usd
    Samsung LN-R328W – LCD TV 32 $500usd
    Samsung LN-R408D – LCD TV 40 $800usd
    Samsung LT-P326W – LCD TV 32 $650usd
    Samsung LTM 225W – LCD TV 22 $500usd
    Samsung PPM63H3-plasma panel63 $2000usd
    Samsung HPP5031 – plasma panel50 $1000usd
    Samsung HP-R4252 Plasma TV $560usd
    Samsung HP-R5052 Plasma TV $1000usd
    Samsung HP-P5581 Plasma TV $950usd

    Our product are brand new unlocked , 1st factory condition
    with complete accessories and 2years company waranty
    You may return the item within ten (10) days of delivery of
    the order. Products with Manufacturer Warranties which
    exceed 30 days, returned directly to the manufacturer
    according to their instruction.

    Customer may request a replacement product otherwise Company
    credit will be issued.
    We ship to any destination within 48hours after confirming
    your part payment for the types and pcs you demand.
    We use reputable courier services of your choice for
    Distribution of our goods worldwide!
    All currency are in United State Dollars, Visit (www.xe.com)
    in order to Calculate the cost of conversion of your order.

    CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: tntmobile@hotmail.com


    Registered No. 08623001

    3641 Sausalito Los Alamitos, 40720


    We are a registered and authorise mobile phones
    distributors. We deal on brand new mobile phones with
    original boxes. Our products all has 2yr international
    warranty. We ship our products worldwide through
    reliable courier service eg, FedEx, UPS, DHL or GPDC and We
    are commited to our customers satisfaction and happiness. We
    render quality and effective services and We are working
    with fear of GOD, You can never regret doing business with
    us. You can contact us contact us through email for more

    CONTACT EMAIL: tntmobile@hotmail.com

    Tel: 5130117822

    Buy any 5 items and get 1 free”. Our prices are wholesale
    prices and we can send to you on request. we have phones
    ranging from Nokia,Vertu Phones, Samsung, Motorola, Apple
    iPhones 8GB, T-Mobile Juicy Sidekick II, T-Mobile Sidekick
    3, Sony Ericsson, I-Mates, O2 XDA phones,Nextel, TomTom Go,
    Qtek, Mister Cartoon Sidekick, Treo, PPC-6700, and many more
    and we also have all the model of Apple ipod, Xbox 360, Sony
    PSP and Sony PS3 and we also have all the the price list


    Apple Iphone 16Gb…………….$320

    Apple iPhone 8GB………………$280


    Nokia 8600 Luna $270usd
    Nokia 8800 Sirocco $260usd
    Nokia N95 8GB $280usd
    Nokia n95 for $250usd
    nokia n93 for $200usd
    Nokia n92 for $200usd
    Nokia n91 for $200usd
    Nokia n90 for $190usd
    Nokia n80 for $180usd
    Nokia n73 for $190usd-
    Nokia n71 for $170usd
    Nokia n70 for $180usd
    Nokia neo for $260usd
    Nokia e60 for $180usd
    Nokia e61 for $190usd
    Nokia e90 for $250usd


    MOTOROLA RAZOR V3 for……..$130usd
    MOTOROLA RAZOR V6 FOR……..$140usd
    MOTOROLA SLVR L7 For……..$140usd
    MOTOROLA SLVR V8 For……..$140usd
    MOTOROLA A1000 For………..$150usd
    MOTOROLA MPX 220 For…….. $120usd
    MOTOROLA MPX 300 For…….. $140usd
    SONY ERICSSON K700i For……$130usd
    SONY ERICSSON k750i For……$140usd
    SONY ERICSSON W800i For……$150usd
    SONY ERICSSON W900i For……$160usd
    SONY ERICSSON S700i For…….$140usd
    SONY ERICSSON P900 For……$140usd
    SONY ERICSSON P910i For…….$150usd
    SONY ERICSSON Z1010 For…..$160usd

    NEXTEL LIEK…………..01

    NEXTEL 1930 FOR…$120USD
    NEXTEL i870T FOR..$140usd
    NEXTEL i450 FOR…90usd
    NEXTEL 1860 FOR..$110USD
    NEXTEL i90c FOR.. 95USD
    NEXTEL i95cl FOR.. 100USD
    NEXTEL i30sx FOR.. 103USD
    NEXTEL i850 FOR…105usd

    OTHERS LIKE……………….

    Treo 650 for $150usd
    Treo 700 for $180usd
    Sick kick for $140usd
    Side kick 2 for $130
    Side kick 3 for $150
    Eten m 500 for $100usd
    ETEN G500 Quadband..$290
    ETEN G500 PDA ….$270
    ETEN G500 GSM GPS PDA…$$280

    Blackberry 7290..$150
    AT&T Blackberry7280.$180
    Blackberry 16MB col.$220
    Blackberry 8700c …$250
    Blackberry 7230 ….$220
    Blackberry 7290…..$180

    GAMES LIKE………………
    Nintendo Wii for $160usd
    Play station 3 for $200usd
    ice cube for $150usd
    X box360 for $140usd.

    Acer cs-5530 digital camera=$250USD
    Canon ixus 700 digital camera= $350
    Canon ixus 750digital camera =$300
    Canon ixus i zoom digital camera (jet black)=$700
    Canon ixus i zoom digital camera (Sahara)=$460
    Canon power shot s80 digital camera = $200
    Casio exilim ex-s500 digital camera (orange, )= $200
    Digital blue qx5 digital microscope= $330
    Fuji film finepix f10 digital camera =$450
    Nikon d2x digital camera (body only)=$310
    Olympus fe-100 digital camera =$400


    SONY VAIO PM 1.86GHz 1GB 40GB CDRW DVD WiFi XP ;;;$350
    SONY VAIO T43 2GHz 1GB 60GB Multiburner ABG WiFi XP ;;;$720
    SONY VAIO X40 1.5GHz 1.28GB 40GB UltraBase Combo X41;;;$700
    SONY VAIO X41 PM 1.5GHz 1GB 40GB B/G WiFi Win XP ;;;;;$450
    SONY VAIO X41 Tablet PM 1.5GHz 512MB 40GB B/G WiFi ;;;$480
    SONY VAIO T43 2.0GHz 2GB 80GB Bluetooth 14.1″ SXGA+ ;;;$500
    Sony VAIO UX Series VGN-UX390N VGNUX390N Micro Computer
    Ultra …$1200
    Sony Vaio UX180P Micro PC …………$600
    Sony VAIO UX380N Micro PC………..$1,100
    Sony VGN-UX280P VAIO(r) UX Series Micro PC Handheld 4.5″


    Tom-tom Go GPS:
    TOM TOM GO 500………… $150USD
    TOM TOM GO 510………… $200USD
    TOM TOM GO 700………… $220USD
    TOM TOM GO 910………… $220USD
    TOM TOM GO 300………… $190USD

    Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Pink M9435LL/A ……40 USD
    Apple 40 GB iPod photo………………..40 USD
    Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Silver M9160LL/A ….40 USD
    Apple 60 GB iPod Photo M9830LL/A……….60 USD
    Apple 60 GB iPod photo ……………….55 USD
    Apple 30 GB iPod Photo M9829LL/A……….50 USD
    Apple 512 MB iPod Shuffle MP3 Player……40 USD
    Apple 4 GB iPod Mini Blue M9436LL/A…….45 USD
    Apple 20GB iPod Nano …………………90USD
    Apple 2 GB iPod Nano………………….50 USD
    Apple 4 GB iPod Nano………………….60 USD
    Apple 30 GB iPod Vidoe……………….100 USD
    Apple 60 GB iPod Vidoe……………….110 USD
    Apple 80 GB iPod Vidoe……………….130 USD
    HTC Advantage X7500 $400
    HTC P4350 for.$350
    HTC S710 for..$300
    HTC TyTN for $280
    HTC P3300 for.$250
    HTC S620 for..$230

    Pioneer CDJ-MK3 1000—————-$750
    Pioneer DJ Effector – Red———–$350.00
    Pioneer System Case (CA-CMX5)…….$450.00
    Pioneer CDJ-800MK2 Digital Vinyl Turntable=–$520.00
    Pioneer Dual Rackmount CD Player——–$600.00
    Pioneer Pro DJ Mixer————-$720.00
    Pioneer Rack mount pro DJ mixer———$780.00
    Pioneer 96Khz / 24 bit digital mixer.—–$960.00
    Pioneer Flat Speakers (ea.)————-$980.00
    Pioneer Professional DVD Turntable——-$1500.00
    Pioneer Pro DJ 96Khz 24bit Mixer———$1,600.00
    Pioneer Djm-800 4 Channel Dj Mixer W/midi—$900.00
    Pioneer DJM-400 Professional DJ Mixer——$300.00
    Pioneer Pro DJ DJM1000 Pioneer Top of the Line D—$1,600.95
    Pioneer Super DJ mixer – Pioneer DJM909——$900.00
    Pioneer DJM-600——————————-$750.00
    Pioneer Model: DJM-600K————–$800.00
    Pioneer PDP-5050HD plasma TV $1000usd
    Pioneer PDP-424MV Plasma TV $756usd
    Pioneer PDP-42A3HD Plasma TV $600usd
    Pioneer PDP-434CMX Plasma TV $500usd
    Pioneer PDP-43A5HD Plasma TV $560usd
    Pioneer PDP-4360HD Plasma TV $700usd
    Pioneer PDP-504CMX Plasma TV $600usd
    Pioneer PDP-505CMX Plasma TV $500usd
    Pioneer PDP-5060HD Plasma TV $700usd
    Pioneer PDP-614MX Plasma TV $780usd


    Sharp Aquos LC-45GX6U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV.$500
    Sharp Aquos LC45GD4U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$350
    Sharp Aquos LC-45GD7U 45 in Flat Panel LCD TV $450
    Sharp Aquos LC-20S4U 20 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$250
    Sharp Aquos LC-26DA5U 26 in’ LCD TV………..$300
    Sharp Aquos LC-37D7U 37 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$400
    Sharp Aquos LC-37D7U 37 in Flat Panel LCD TV .$450
    Sharp Aquos LC-32DA5U 32 in Flat Panel LCD TV $350


    NEC 42XM3 Plasma TV $700usd
    NEC 42XR3 Plasma TV $500usd
    NEC 50XM4 Plasma TV $780usd
    NEC 50XR4 Plasma TV $900usd
    NEC 61XM3 Plasma TV $560usd
    NEC 61XR3 Plasma TV $500usd
    NEC 84VP4 Plasma TV $690usd
    Hitachi CMP4211u Plasma $850
    Hitachi CMP4212u Plasma $350
    Hitachi 42HDF52 Plasma HDTV $400
    Hitachi 42HDT52 Plasma TV $440
    Hitachi 55HDS52 Plasma HDTV $480
    Hitachi 55HDT52 Plasma TV $650
    Hitachi CMP-55HDM71 Plasma $420


    Sony PFM-42V1/S Television…..$500usd
    Sony KDE-61XBR950 Television..$5000usd
    Sony KDE-42XBR950 Television..$1000usd
    Sony PFM-42X1/S Television…..$500usd
    Sony KDE-42XS955 Television….$550usd
    Sony FWD-50PX1/S Television…$1200usd
    Sony FWD-42PV1 Plasma TV…….$500usd
    Sony KE-42M1 Plasma TV………$580usd
    Sony PFM-42X1 Plasma TV……..$600usd
    Sony KDE-42XS955 Plasma TV…..$700usd
    Sony FWD-50PX1 Plasma TV…….$750usd
    Sony KDE-50XS955 Plasma TV…..$680usd
    Sony Grand WEGA KDFE42A10 TV…$400usd
    Sony Grand WEGA SXRD KDS R60XBR1$600usd
    Sony Grand WEGA SXRD KDS R50XBR1$450usd
    Sony Wega KDF-E50A10 TV ……$450usd
    Sony Wega KDL-V40XBR1 TV ……$400usd
    Sony Wega KD-37FS130 TV ……$400usd
    Samsung HP-R4252 Television $500usd
    Samsung LN-R328W – LCD TV 32 $500usd
    Samsung LN-R408D – LCD TV 40 $800usd
    Samsung LT-P326W – LCD TV 32 $650usd
    Samsung LTM 225W – LCD TV 22 $500usd
    Samsung PPM63H3-plasma panel63 $2000usd
    Samsung HPP5031 – plasma panel50 $1000usd
    Samsung HP-R4252 Plasma TV $560usd
    Samsung HP-R5052 Plasma TV $1000usd
    Samsung HP-P5581 Plasma TV $950usd

    Our product are brand new unlocked , 1st factory condition
    with complete accessories and 2years company waranty
    You may return the item within ten (10) days of delivery of
    the order. Products with Manufacturer Warranties which
    exceed 30 days, returned directly to the manufacturer
    according to their instruction.

    Customer may request a replacement product otherwise Company
    credit will be issued.
    We ship to any destination within 48hours after confirming
    your part payment for the types and pcs you demand.
    We use reputable courier services of your choice for
    Distribution of our goods worldwide!
    All currency are in United State Dollars, Visit (www.xe.com)
    in order to Calculate the cost of conversion of your order.

    CONTACT EMAIL ADDRESS: tntmobile@hotmail.com

  23. Karthik commented on Mar 24

    can i trust buying mobiles from TNTMOBILES?

  24. sanzer commented on Apr 17



    We are accredited mobiles and household electronics Sellers. We give you the best of service around the Globe and the best Pda and Xda products. Our Products are, durable, longlasting and portable for usage.We have a lot of Cellphones in Stock and in Store,they are all Brand new ones unlocked with complete accessories and In The Real manufactured Company Box.We give you 1[one] year international warranty with* 3[Three] months return policy on every items purchased from us.

    Contact us for more price list incase you have any Inquires about our product.

    We sell in Bulk order, and in GOOD Discount prices,We make shipment through Fed Ex courier services and UPS, and they deliver within 48hours which is[ 2 days home delivery].

    Apple Iphone 8gb…………$300
    Apple Iphone 4gb…………$250
    Apple iphone 16gb………..$400

    Asus P535 ……………………………….$190
    Asus P525 ……………………..$180
    Asus P505 …………………………….$160
    Asus Z810………………….. $200
    Asus V85…………………………. $150
    Asus V75 ……………………….$130

    Motorola Razor v3x ………………..$145
    Motorola V3i…………….. $140
    Motorola A1010 ……………………….$110
    Motorola A1000……………. $100
    Motorola Rock1………………………… $120
    Motorola W220…………………….. $160
    Motorola Q for Verizon…………………$200
    Motorola Mpx 220……………………. $122
    Motorola Mpx 300 ……………..$130

    Nextel i930………………….. $120
    Nextel i870………………. $110
    Nextel i860 ………………………….$100
    Nextel i850……………… $90

    Palm Treo……………………………. 650 $140
    Palm Treo ……………..700p $170

    Nokia 8800……………….. $170
    Nokia N80……………… $225
    Nokia N70…………………………. $160
    Nokia N71…………….. $175
    Nokia N72 ………………………$180
    Nokia N73 ………………….$200
    Nokia N76……………………………… $220
    Nokia E70……………………… $220
    Nokia E60 …………….$200
    Nokia E61 …………………………….$210
    Nokia E90………………..$250

    Nokia N90 …………..$225
    Nokia N91 …………………….$235
    Nokia N92 …………………$220
    Nokia N93…………………………….. $250
    Nokia N95 …………………..$300
    Nokia N95 8gb[black]…………$350
    Nokia N96 …………16GB……$400
    Nokia N93………………………………. $250
    Nokia N93i……………………. $270

    Apple Iphone 8gb…………$300
    Apple Iphone 4gb…………$250
    Apple iphone 16gb………..$400

    Ipod touch 8gb………….$200
    Ipod touch 16gb………….$300

    02 XDA atom life……………….$250
    02 Xda Zinc …………………………$230
    02 Xda Drphite………………………….. $200
    02 Orbit ……………….$190
    02 cosmo ……………………………..$170
    02 Xda Stealth………………. $180
    02 Xda Exec ………….$150usd
    02 Xda II mini ……………………………..$150
    02 Xda IIs………………….. $160

    Samsung D500 ……………………….$150
    Samsung D600 ………………$160
    Samsung E800…………………… $155
    Samsung I730…………. $120

    Haier A7 …………………………..$200
    Haier M600 Black Pearl ………………….$190
    Haier M2000………………… $170
    Haier M1200……………………………….. $150
    Haier M1000…………………………. $140
    Haier M260 …………………$130
    Haier N70 ………………$129

    X cute Dv80…………………… $190
    X cute Dc50 …………………………..$180
    X cute Dv2……………………… $160
    X cute Dv1………………. $140

    Qtek 8100 …………………….$125
    QTEK 8300………………………………. $145
    Qtek 8310 ……………………..$155
    Qtek 8500 ……………………………..$165
    Qtek 8600 …………………$225
    Qtek 9600………………………………… $270

    Sony Ericsson P910i ……………..$150
    Sony Ericsson P900 …………………………..$140
    Sony Ericsson P1000…………………… $154
    Sony Ericsson W600i ………………………….$160
    Sony Ericsson W800i $170

    I-Mate JAM 128MB……………………….. $210
    I-Mate JAM ………..$190
    I-Mate JAMin …………………$220
    I-Mate JASJAR Quadband…………….. $350
    I-Mate K-Jam QuadBand ………………………………………….. $240
    I-Mate Smartflip QB……………………………. $250
    I-Mate SP5……………… $140

    TomTom Mobile 5 ………………$290
    TomTom GO GPS Car Navigation System ………………………$280
    TomTom Navigator 5 Bluetooth GPS……………………………………….. $270
    TomTom Mobile GPS for Smartphones……………………. $260

    Apple Ipod 60Gb……………………….. $140
    Apple Ipod 30Gb…………………. $120
    Apple Ipod nano 4Gb………………………. $70

    ******** Dell Laptops
    Dell Latitude D600…………………….. $290
    Dell Latitude D500 t …………………$200
    Dell Inspiron 6000 …………$350
    Dell Latitude D505 ……………………………$340
    Dell Latitude D610 ……………………$460
    Dell Latitude D510………………………… $320
    Dell Inspiron 9300…………………… $530

    SIDEKICK 1 …………………..$100
    SIDEKICK 2 ………………………..$120
    SIDEKICK 3 ……………….$150

    SIDEKICK LX…………….$200

    DWADE SIDEKICK 3 …………..$170
    SIDEKICK 3 LARGE………..$160
    GREEN SIDEKICK 3……….$175

    Play station 1 ……………………$150
    Play station 2 …………$280usd
    Play staion 3 60gb…………………………..$300
    Play station 80gb ………………$350usd

    Ninitendo wii………..cost $200usd

    Xbox 360 Core System …………. $163
    Xbox 360 Prenium pack ………………………$190
    Xbox 360 Platinum Bundle Console …………………. $155
    Intec G8600 Xbox 360 9.2 TFT Screen……..$100

    Panasonic TH-42PD50U Television…………..$600USD
    Panasonic TH-42PX50U Television………………………………$100 0USD
    Panasonic TH-50PX50U Television……………….$500
    Panasonic TH-42PWD6UY Television……………………………..$500U SD
    Panasonic TH-42PD25U/P Television…………………….$400USD
    Panasonic TH-42PHD8UK Television…………$450USD

    Pioneer PDP-5050HD Television……………………………..$1000USD
    Panasonic TH-37PX50U Television…………………….$500USD
    Panasonic TH-42PX500UTelevision……………………$800USD
    Sony KLV-32M1 Television……………………..$400USD
    Sony PFM-42V1/S Television…………………………..$500USD
    Sony KDE-61XBR950 Television………………….$5000USD
    Sony KDE-42XBR950 Television………………$1000USD
    Sony PFM-42X1/S ……Television……………………$500USD
    Sony KDE-42XS955 Television……………………………. …$550USD
    Sony FWD-50PX1/S Television……………..$1200USD

    HTC X7500………………. $350
    HTC S710 ……………………..$330
    HTC P350…………………………………….. $300
    HTC P3400……………………………. $250
    HTC P4350 ……………………………………….$200
    HTC P3600…………………………$210
    HTC P3300……………………………………… ……….. $150
    HTC S620 …………………………………$170
    HTC S310……………………… $190
    HTC TYTN ……………………………..$170
    HTC MT EOR…………………………………….. $190

    ETEN GLOFIISH X800…………….. $200
    ETEN GLOFIISH M700……………………………… $190
    ETEN GLOFIISH X500 ………………………..$170

    ETEN M550…………………………………… $180
    ETEN G500+……………………………………… ……. $170
    ETEN M600+ ………………………………..$150
    ETEN G500 …………………………..$160
    ETEN M600…………………………………… $140
    ETEN M500 ………………………..$140
    ETEN P300B………………………………. $160
    ETEN P300 …………………………$150
    ETEN P700…………………………….. $180

    Sony Laptops
    Sony VAIO VGN-T1 …………………………..$680
    Sony VAIO VGN-FS315…………………………… $420
    Sony VAIO VGN-S3 ………………………………………..$45 0
    Sony VAIO VGN-TX1 ……………………..$840
    Sony VAIO VGN-FS215 ……………$ 310
    Sony VAIO VGN-S4………………………………………… $470
    Sony VAIO PCG-K35………………………………. $550

    IPAQ 514 ………………..$140
    IPAQ RW6815 ……………..$150
    IPAQ RW6828 ……….$160
    IPAQ RW6818…………………… $180
    IPAQ HW6515………………. $140
    IPAQ HW6510 ……….$120


Posted Under