Forex Trading Show



Exciting news!   

I am one of the Keynote speakers at the Forex Trading Expo in Las Vegas on September 15 and 16 at the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino.

I have never been to one of these, so I am excited to see what they are all about. A few people I have spoken with about these shows — Tobin Smith, John Mauldin, Paul Kedrosky (who has a tech conference in NY on January) and others were all very positive.


Here is the official blurb:

"One weekend in September can greatly accelerate your learning curve and give you the skills and knowledge you need to make consistently profitable trading decisions. On September 15-16, 2007 in Las Vegas, the Forex Trading Expo will once again bring together thousands of the most dedicated traders in the country to learn what works for successful currency speculators."

Note that the focus is on Currency Trading. I plan to discuss some of the psychological aspects  of Trading and variant perception . . .

Should be cool — believe it or not, I have never been to Las Vegas! 

What's been said:

Discussions found on the web:
  1. rob commented on Aug 30

    Not much to do in vegas but eat and gamble but everyone should go at least once.

    I like NYNY among the casinos, it’s fun and lively.

  2. wunsacon commented on Aug 30

    Barry, if you haven’t already done so, I suggest watching a Cirque du Soleil show. They put on a show at several casinos.

  3. Benjamin Walthrop commented on Aug 30


    It is a little disconcerting that someone with as much experience in the financial game has never been to Vegas. Enjoy.




    BR: I have way too much math to really enjoy Las Vegas.

    Its a big world, and there are many places that I would have chosen to see first — still haven’t been to Thailand or Viet Nam, or cruise of the Greek Islands, or see Rio de Janero in Brazil.

    LV is a glitzy dessert, and its a 100 degrees in the shade — not my kind of vacation . . .

  4. Camille commented on Aug 30


    Congrats on the invite to speak in Vegas! I hope to go someday…

  5. bam commented on Aug 30

    Yuck. Tobin Smith?! Somehow I thought you were above this stuff.


    BR: I’ve done a bunch of shows with him, and on personal basis, he’s a really good guy.

    I know lots of people who I don’t see eye-to-eye with on a political basis, but that’s not my litmus test.

  6. bucky katt commented on Aug 30

    You will meet some smart people.
    I met Al Frank (Prudent Speculator) many years ago at an investment conf in Chicago, learned much from him over the years, and he learned a bit from me as well.

  7. Noah commented on Aug 30

    Nice Barry! Enjoy. Hopefully I can make Inman Real Estate Conf work too..I’ll know soon about program schedule and if I got it.

    Hope your still interested!

  8. Estragon commented on Aug 30

    A suggestion – rent a car and head out to the hills (northwest, as I recall) for an hour. The contrast between the constant barrage of sight and sound in the city, and the barren quiet of the desert hills is stunning.

  9. Linda P. commented on Aug 30


    Not sure when you plan to arrive, but it is quite spectacular to fly into Las Vegas at night….

    Have fun,lucky for your shoulder, most of the one arm bandits are push button now!


  10. Todd commented on Aug 30

    If you like stand-up comedy, there is a good club at the Tropicana. …
    Also, speaking of Forex trading, how about posting your thoughts on the unwinding of the Yen carry trade?
    Have Fun.

  11. Howard Veit commented on Aug 30

    WARNING: Several years ago my firm decided to put a Forex platform into our mix to sell to clients. It looked great, performance sensational, and so on. The commissions? $5 round turn. During a three week period of time every client lost and never saw more than two profitable days no matter the currency movement. I have friends who walked out of firms rather than trade with these “proven” platforms. Watch out; the business is almost all fraud. Reason? The actual contracts being traded are for millions so that movements return (or cost) plenty. The client cannot afford anything like a million or ten so that the contract sold is split into minute portions making the seemingly insignificant $5 per trade into an unsurmountable barrier. The only people making money are the IBs and clearing firms. Our original “trader” was the now disbarred Refco and after that it was Gain Capital.

  12. bad home cook commented on Aug 30

    God. I thought I was the only person on the planet who hadn’t been to Vegas.

  13. The Prudent Investor commented on Aug 30

    Las Vegas: How do you know you are playing against a “bank”? Because you will often lose in the short term and you will always lose in the long term.

  14. Alex Khenkin commented on Aug 30

    Barry, aren’t those “thousands of the most dedicated traders in the country” going to “learn what works for successful currency speculators”, and then apply their hard-learned knowledge trading against each other?

  15. Alexi Anastasio commented on Aug 30

    Las Vegas: You will definately want to check out the Pinball Hall of Fame (

    You will not find a more complete and varied collection of games available for the public to play. I restore pinballs as a hobby and Tim Arnold (owner) is one of the best.

    Have a great trip. (Oh, yeah, the Tropicana stand up show is pretty good).

  16. bewford commented on Aug 31

    Really!? Well, I bet you like it when you get there. Mandalay Bay, my friend…

  17. SPECTRE of Deflation commented on Aug 31

    Barry, Congrats on the speaking engagement! I’m glad it’s soon because the dollar still has some value although it’s being completely ass kicked this AM while Gold and Silver run. This would pertain to the President’s rescue plan which should be interesting. We have a terrible DEBT problem, so let’s create more DEBT to fix it and screw all responsible Americans. Only in Washington.

    All you folks that used credit responsibly and lived within your means are like so old fashioned. Let’s all max out everything, and I’m sure the govt. will come running to help. I want my piece of the pit…I mean pie to.

  18. Adam commented on Apr 16

    I really liked this post. Keep up the great work.

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