Think You’re An Above Average Investor? Maybe think a little harder





My Sunday Washington Post Business Section column is out. This morning, we look at whetther or not you need a financial adsvisor.

I tried hard to avoid the Warren Buffett admonition “Never ask a barber if you need a haircut” — I have a financial adviosory firm, and wanted to steer clear of the sort of “Everybody needs an advisor! sort of column. So I created several 3 broad question areas that steered most respondants away from paying an advisor for services.

The topics areas under discussion are:

1. Complexity of personal situation

2. Financial Goals

3. Managing Behavior

When you get through all three sections, you should know whether or not you should be doing investing yourself. Most people can, assuming (a big if) they can control themselves. Whtehrt hey want to is another question entirely.

Here’s an excerpt from the column:

Do you need a financial adviser?

It is a simple question, but many investors are not sure about it. New changes in law (the fiduciary standard) and technology (robo-advisers) have added layers of complication to the answer.

To know, you must evaluate your financial situation. Let’s work through it together, so you have a better understanding of your circumstances and can decide what sort of financial services you need.

Go check out the full column . . .



Do you need a financial adviser?
Barry Ritholtz
Washington Post, Niovember 22 2016

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