If America Were a Company, Would You Keep Trump as CEO?

Businessweek asks the ultimate business question about a businessman who became “CEO president” promising to run the country like a business, as he did with all of his personal businesses: Would You Let Trump Run Your Company?

Of all the ways to measure Trump, judging him as a chief executive would seem to be fairest:

“So out of all the ways in which Trump might want to be measured, judging him as a chief executive would seem to be the fairest to him. Forget about ideology, his political agenda, or whether you voted for him; just judge him on whether he has been a competent executive. Would you want to leave him in charge? Or would you be calling an emergency board meeting?”

To be fair, he is running the country in the same style and manner as he ran his Casinos, Trump University, Trump Steaks, etc. His portfolio began with inherited money that he arguably mishandled; ha he merely put it into the market and sat tight for a few years, he would be worth 10X his current holdings. His real wealth all came about post 2012 election. His “business acumen” if we can call it that was using the 2012 run for president as a cynical branding exercise, which led to huge licensing dollars afterwards. Call it what you will: contemptible, vulgar, even unAmerican — all of that wildly understate how utterly damaging his flavor of cynical selfishness has been to the country.

Do not feign surprise he is a total clusterfuck. As Ramesh Ponnuru, the conservative writer and senior editor at National Review (and a fellow BV columnist) observed, What We Saw Is What We Got: Disorganized dishonesty is the hallmark of the administration’s response to accusations of misconduct.

Thus, to answer the BusinessWeek cover, the answer is a resounding No.

When he finally goes — and make no mistake about it, that is a realistic probability — expect the tabloid headlines to all scream: YOU’RE FIRED!



click to find out what a mess we have made . . . 1x-1Source: Bloomberg Businessweek



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