MiB: Matt Wallaert wants to be your Chief Behavioral Officer

Matt Wallaert is on a mission to create a ‘Chief Behavioral Officer’ officer as a standard C-Suite position within corporate America.

Wallaert is a behavioral psychologist and entrepreneur who began his tech career building the finance start-up Thrive (it was eventually purchased by LendingTree).

He moved on to becoming a director at Microsoft Ventures. There, he was the guy advocating for getting “Klingon” built into the Bing Translator (he eventually succeeded). His other ventures have been similarly eclectic, combining technology and psychology.

He believes in “designing for behavior change” among technology start-ups. Many of his start-ups aim to help tech employees deal with their employment circumstances: Salary or Equity is a comparison engine that allows people to compare different comp structures, including start up offers that might be less dollar heavy but more equity focused (there is a definitive dichotomy between men and women in their preferences). Get Raised uses BLS and other public data to help people figure out what their business value is; the service has helped women gain over $2 billion dollars in raises since it was launched. Churnless is one of his more recent ventures, developing products that “help people lead better lives by serving their authentic needs.”

All of the books discussed can be found here.

You can stream/download the full conversation, including the podcast extras, on iTunesSoundcloudOvercast and Bloomberg.

Our earlier podcasts can all be found on iTunesSoundcloudOvercast and Bloomberg.




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