Welcome, Blair duQuesnay!

I am thrilled to welcome the latest addition to the RWM team, Blair duQuesnay. I have known Blair for over 15 years (we both worked in the Chrysler Building in NYC years ago). She brings a lot to the table for our firm: CFA, CFP and IAR,* all important qualifications for the senior roles we have in mind for her.

We launched RWM in September 2013, almost 5 years ago. Josh, Kris, Mike and I all brought very different skillsets and experiences to the team:

-I had been a strategist for a long time, writing and discussing about what I saw as wrong on Wall Street: cognitive errors investors make, analytical faults of those who covered the economy, conflicted advice of analysts, the media obsession with noisy irrelevancies.

Josh had run a large firm, and understood more about how the finance industry actually operated, especially the problems of the brokerage side, than anyone I had ever met.

Kris had used his time at Wells Fargo to learn everything to be learned about the right ways to manage an advisory practice; there are very few people who understand that side of the equation as well as Kris.

Mike was in the process of becoming a CFA — he is now is level 3 ninja — and can analyze market data, find intelligent, insightful conclusions from the numbers as well as anyone in finance.

To this starting line up, we are thrilled to add Blair, who brings many additional qualifications beyond the alphabet of letters that follows her name. She will be on our investment committee, part of our media team, assist us with philanthropy, and become one of the public faces of the firm.

Look for her at our upcoming conference in Dana Point, California and elsewhere (Blair just returned from Hong Kong where she attended the CFA society leaders conference, speaking about her role as a volunteer in the Louisiana CFA society). She also will be part of the team presenting the firm’s views on the proper ways investors should be deploying their capital.

Blair is a past President of the CFA Society of Louisiana, she is Treasurer for Citizens for 1 Greater New Orleans, and a Trustee for the Choice Foundation. I know she will make a wonderful part of our team. (We have big plans for her).

Welcome, Blair! 



* Certified Financial Planner (CFP), a Chartered Financial Analyst (CFA) and an Investment Advisor Representative (IAR).




See also:

Josh: Introducing Blair duQuesnay, the newest advisor at Ritholtz Wealth!

Citywire: CIO of women-led RIA joins Ritholtz as financial advisor

Big Picture: Why Are There So Few Women in Finance?


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