Round Up: MIB Live with Ray Dalio

Yesterday was the very first Masters in Business Live.

The entire experience was outstanding; we have several of these scheduled for 2019, and we will be announcing more in the near future. If you are in NYC and can attend, you should definitely try to see one.

Here is a quick wrap up of what the inaugural event was like:

First off, Ray was fantastic. He answers questions in-depth and with clarity. He does not mince words, and really offers a viewpoint with full transparency. Nobody left not knowing exactly what he thinks. Its amazing to think he spent most of his career not doing media, he is really very good. I cannot thank him enough for being our guinea pig for this event.

Everyone who attended received a copy of his newest book, Big Debt Crises. He even stayed around afterwards long enough to sign every single copy, personally.

Big Debt Crises:

The crew at Bloomberg who helped put this together were great — everyone from Bloomberg Events to TV to Radio to Opinion are rockstars. Doing a live televised and radio-broadcast event with audience members is not easy to pull off, ands they made it look easy.

If you missed it, you can watch the full video after the jump; the audio podcast will drop on Thanksgiving Day here and here. You can get an overall feel of the event from the photos below.

Like all Bloomberg events, it had top notch catering:

The 7th floor conference room is straight out of NASA (note the crew lower left):

David Shipley, executive editor of Bloomberg Opinion, intro’d the event with a lovely history of MIB:

You just don’t have time to be nervous — its straight into the Q&A:

Its a grand room for these sorts of events:

Ray is an enthusiastic speaker, genuinely excited about his favorite topics:

Every Debt Cycle follows a surprisingly similar pattern/cycle:

For about an hour, the terminal was all Dalio…

My serious Hmmm, face.

China remains an attractive investment opportunity:

(or, I once caught a fish THIS BIG!)


The world is “leveraged long”

During the Q&A, I went to Josh, for the first question – he never disappoints:


Ray hung around and signed a book for everyone who attended:



Ray Dalio, co-chairman and founder at Bridgewater Associates, discusses his career, his views on management strategy, and the outlook for investing in China.


Ray Dalio on Career, Market Cycles, China Debt

Source: Bloomberg, November 19th, 2018




Ray Dalio & the Machinery of Finance (TBP, September 15, 2011)

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