10 Friday AM Reads

My end of week morning train reads:

• Investing Prophet Jeremy Grantham Takes Aim at Climate Change: The veteran money manager will devote $1 billion to helping the world escape catastrophe. (Bloomberg Businessweek) See also MIB: Jeremy Grantham Discusses Sustainable Investment (TBP)
• Japan’s optimistic millennials shed frugal habits and lift spending: Labor crunch and Abenomics change image of Asia’s formerly-thriftiest cohort (Nikkei Asian Review)
• Shiller: ‘Bear Market’ Is an Arbitrary Label, but Using It Can Hurt (New York Times)
• Are Anti-Vaxxers a Major Health Threat? The World Health Organization Says Yes. (Pacific Standard)
• Yesterday was the day your New Year’s Resolutions collapsed (USA Today) see also Anti-Resolutions, Guaranteed Not to Work (Big Picture)

Be sure to check out our Masters in Business interview this weekend with Jack Bogle, founder and first CEO of the Vanguard Group, which manages $5.3 trillion dollars in client assets. Bogle passed away this week at the age of 89.

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