Corruption Around the World (2021)

Source: Visual Capitalist



As the Russian invasion of Ukraine wears on, this is as good a time as any to share this map of corruption by country. The methodology “aggregates multiple analyses from country and business experts, assigns each country a score on a scale of 0 to 100, where 0 is highly corrupt and 100 is very clean.” The higher number, the less percecption of corruption.

The 10 countries perceived as least corrupt in the world are Denmark, Finland and New Zealand (all 88), Norway, Singapore, Sweden (all 85) Switzerland (84) Netherlands (82) Luxembourg (81) and Germany (80). The 10 countries perceived as most corrupt are South Sudan, Somalia, Syria, Venezuela, Afghanistan, North Korea, Yemen, Equatorial Guinea, Libya, and Burundi.

The United States is perceived as a 67; China a 45. Russia is towards the bottom third at 29, while Ukraine is 32. Australia (73) and Canada (74) each scored well also.

Transparency Internation is behind the data, and Omri Wallach observes:

Scoring towards the bottom of the index were many countries currently and historically going through conflict, primarily located in the Middle East and Africa. They include AfghanistanVenezuelaSomalia, and South Sudan. The latter country finishes at the very bottom of the list, with a score of just 11.

The most recent data covers 2021, and predates the current Russian invasion of Ukraine.

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