The Earth Is Greener
Good News Network: The world is literally a greener place than it was 20 years ago, and the data from NASA satellites has revealed a...
Data Brokers: What They Know
This is horrifying: By buying or licensing data or scraping public records, third-party data companies can assemble thousands of...
Why Didn’t Any Wall Street CEOs Go to Jail?
Why didn’t any Wall Street CEOs go to jail after the financial crisis? It’s complicated. Your browser does not support the...
Patchwork of Marijuana Regulations in the USA
This is so far behind the curve: “Canadian cannabis companies have it easy. Since Oct. 17, they’ve been able to sell pot to...
Hidden Loophole in Corporate Tax Reform Law, Revealed
Why would any multinational corporation pay the new 21 percent rate when it could use the new “global minimum” loophole to pay half...
Big Brokers Mutual Members Stock Exchange
This is a little inside baseball, but in light of the various conversations I have have down in Florida about trading and fees and data...