9/11 Remembered
Each year, I do my best to avoid writing anything new about September 11th. Instead, I will just point you to my experiences that day...
Piketty: New Thoughts on Capital in the 21st Century
French economist Thomas Piketty caused a sensation in early 2014 with his book on a simple, brutal formula explaining economic...
U.S. Military Leaders Support Iran Deal
Scores of high-level American military leaders support the Iran deal. For example, the following 35 military officials – from the...
MIB: Leslie Gelb on Europe’s Decline and Policy Errors
This week we have a special foreign affairs edition of the Masters in Business radio podcast, speaking with Leslie Gelb, president...
The World If: Hypothetical Policy Responses Under President...
Fascinating interactive by the Economist seeing how various policy issues might play out in the future if Hillary Clinton wins the...
CIA Reactions to Finding No WMD in Iraq
The National Security Archive has posted several newly available documents, one of them an account by Charles Duelfer of...
Wrong On Iran
For the United States to sit and talk and come to an agreement with a nation it has been antagonizing and demonizing since the dictator...