1931 Cord L-29 Cabriolet

Another glorious weekend, and another opportunity for top-down motoring.

The L-29 was the first major American production car with front-wheel drive. Front-Drive meant no driveshaft tunnel, so the bodies could be mounted lower on the frame. The resulting flat floors, allowed for comfortable, spacious seating.

Unfortunately, these gorgeous cars were introduced just as the Great Depression’s came down on the automobile industry; production ended late 1931.

Cords were always beautiful cars (see 1936 810 Cabriolet1937 812 Super-Charged Beverly1937 812 Super-Charged Westchester, 1930 Cord L29,  and this 1937 812).

Prices range depending upon the quality of the restoration: This 1931 L-29 sold for $224,000 in 2018. The version before sold last year for $171,931.


Source: Bring A Trailer

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