How to Keep a Behemoth Growing . . .
Very interesting article in the WSJ about Vanguard’s new CEO, Tim Buckley: Vanguard’s new chief executive has a challenge his...
Masters in Business: Anil Dash on making the tech world more...
This week I sit down with technology entrepreneur, activist, and writer Anil Dash. He is currently CEO of Fog Creek...
A Timeline of Uber’s Unfolding
Uber’s crises have come so fast that they’ve piled on top of one another. Here are some of the companies most infamous...
Circle of Competence
Source: Safal Niveshak Vishal shares this graphic (site: Safal Niveshak), and directs us to Tren Griffin’s explanation...
Trust As a Symbol of Brand Equity
Trust is eroding as a symbol of brand equity. Who’s winning in today’s market? Brands that play to a sense of New.
What Makes Any Money Manager Unique?
Earlier this year, I posed the question What is Your Value Proposition? One of the key aspects of that top 10 list reflected my beliefs...
How Amazon, Apple, Facebook and Google Manipulate Emotions
Here is Prof Galloway’s Ted Talk: Source: TED
Stores Not Open Thanksgiving Day 2017
Kudos to all o the following companies for not being jerks to their employees, and tempting their clients with nonsensical sales: ...
Jeff Bezos: Amazon’s Journey to Now And Its Future
A interview with billionaire and founder of Amazon, Jeff Bezos. In this interview Jeff discusses how Amazon became the giant it is today...