Bands With Brands
Is it only about getting paid? Don’t tell me it’s about breaking music, that canard disappeared in the last decade....
Jimmy Page Explains How ‘Stairway’ was Written
Via Open Culture: Stairway to Heaven was one of the biggest rock songs of the 1970s – loved, imitated and sometimes parodied. Now...
Music Industry Predictions
Predictions 1. The major labels will only get stronger. We live in an a money economy and the only ones willing to invest in artists are...
Top Ten Issues in the Music Industry
Problems: 1. Filter People don’t know what to listen to. You can’t trust the radio, you can only trust your friends, and...
Greatest American Rock and Roll Band?
This was originally published at essays & effluvia, an early non finance blog I was experimenting with back in December 2003. ~~~...
Freelove Freeway
I have been loving original British version of The Office with Ricky Gervais. Its been on Cartoon Network Friday nights at midnight. What...