MIB: Psychologists & Behavioral Economists

The Masters in Business pod turned 5 this summer, and I wanted to update how people could access the archives in more interesting ways. One request we get all the time is to organize the shows by categories for those interested in a deep topical dive. This is the second such exploration — the 1st one was on VCs.

I interviewed Nobel Laureate Robert Shiller this week for the 2nd time (note to Michael & Ben: Its “Bob”). That pod will be out in 2 weeks when his new book, Narrative Economics, is officially released, so let’s use this opportunity to look at all of the behaviorists and psychologists we have had on MIB:


Behavioral Economists/Psychologists

MiB: Richard Nisbett on Cognition (January 1, 2022)

MiB: Robert Cialdini on Persuasion (June 19, 2021)

MiB: Bill Bernstein on the Delusions Of Crowds (March 6, 2021)

MiB: David Dunning on Metacognition (March 21, 2020)

MIB: Bob Shiller on Narrative Economics (Oct 3, 2019)

MIB: Joshua B. Miller on the Hot Hand (March 30, 2019)

MIB: Robert Cialdini, author of Influence (November 3, 2018)

MIB: Tom Gilovich, Cornell Psychology Professor (January 27, 2018)

MiB: Meir Statman on Finance for Normal People (April 29, 2017)

MiB: Danny Kahneman on Heuristics, Biases & Cognition (August 9, 2016)
see also: Funny backstory on Danny Kahneman Interview (February 15, 2017)

MiB: Richard Thaler on the Human Side of Economics (June 16, 2015)

Masters in Business: Robert Shiller Interview (November 24, 2014)


Behavioral adjacent

MiB: David McRaney (October 1, 2022)

MiB: Morgan Housel (September 5, 2020)

MiB: James Montier, GMO (April 18, 2020)

MIB: Chris Brightman on Avoiding the Behavior Performance Penalty (June 22, 2019)

MIB: Raife Giovinazzo of Fuller & Thaler (June 23, 2018)

MIB: Brett Steenbarger, Professional Coach for Traders (January 14, 2017)

Matt Wallaert is “Chief Behavioral Officer” (August 12, 2017)

MiB: Philip Tetlock (March 26, 2016)

Jason Zweig on Luck’s Role in Finance (September 15, 2015)



MIB: The Venture Capitalists


See Also:
Behavioral Finance & Psychology

Cognitive Issues



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